· Apr 5, 2019
How to compare time

I am trying to get the time difference between two time stamps one is recorded earlier to the one happening current but the problem is sql expect string while I have the other stored in a variable and if I do the following I get errors any help please


please note that tx is a variable holding the time formatted the same way as the one being compared to

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0 511

I have an application using examples from the lottery example in samples name space how do I create a dynamically link based on the data displayed to add a record id to the link

the idea is to loop over the records displays fields and link to edit the shown data at the end of the record in a table format

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· Mar 12, 2019
String to date

I am trying to convert a string to date but can not get it to work I have function that I would like to take in a date string and covert it to date object

here is the ezample so far can not get it to work any help appreciated

set p="12/03/2019"
w $System.SQL.TODATE(p,"YYYY-MM-DD")
<ILLEGAL VALUE>todate+32^%qarfunc

if I try this still get the wrong value returned

set p="12/03/2019" 
w $ZDATE(p,3)
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0 2.9K

Is there a way or can it be done to use conditional logic in sql like so

 Query Q1(formal as %String) As %SQLQuery [ Final ]
    SELECT patientnumber,ID, CASE
    WHEN ID = 50 THEN "The is 50"
    WHEN ID = 30 THEN "This is 30"
    ELSE "The quantity is under 30"
END FROM Audit.Table WHERE ID = :formal AND EndDate is null} 


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0 341
· Jan 22, 2019
SQL select to a list

I need to select my result into a list and be able to loop through the list when query finished any help appreciated here is where I am

##sql(SELECT %ID INTO :IDArray() FROM MergeHyland.TypeTwoDimesionCollection WHERE GUID = :Key AND EndDate IS NULL)
for I=1;1:$LISTLENGTH(IDArray)


w $Data(IDArray),i



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0 1.2K
· Jan 15, 2019

I have an sql statement that I would like to execute but I get the error

"zSearchChanges+5^MergeHyland.TypeTwoUtil.1 *KeyID"

and here is my sq

l  "&sql(SELECT Key INTO :KeyID FROM MergeHyland.TypeTwoDimesionalTable WHERE Key = :Key)" any ideas why 
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0 203
· Dec 3, 2018
Rest return 500 error

I have an application which is distributed across maybe 5 servers since it has over a thousand users at a time we had an upgrade to the application last week and I had an integration build that uses the REST service ( ##class(%Net.HttpResponse) but since the upgrade the integration has not be able to communicate with the application tried testing my URL through Postman and all seems ok but if I test direct I get a 500 error anything that I need to check on please or any advice on how to check what's going on.

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0 455

I am having trouble configuring the environment in eclipse have download eclipse for java script and web developers followed the video but could not connect to the server I have my Apache server 7.0 added to the java environment and I can start and stop the server through eclipse IDE but when I fire atelier and add server I get the above error any help please .This is the first time I am trying to use the plug in through eclipse .Just in case There is another installation I need to do please advice but I am guessing something to do with atelier not seeing my configurations or permissions

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0 714

I have a service that takes a file and pass it through to the production .While I am passing the file through I get the file stream and set it to a variable within my message and the variable is of type %Ens.StreamContainer. But after all processing and I need to write out my file to a pdf format The file gets written but is a corrupt file since I can not read it I have tried this with asimple pass through everything is fine .But here I do not know what I am doing wrong here is the operation code

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0 798

I have a csv record mapper that reads in a batch and my batch has a header and trailer that changes all the time but it is of fixed length so I override the Get Batch Header method from the simplebatch class to something like below but my problem is when the batch is read in It still tries to bring in another empty batch like the picture below any reason why that is here is my code.The red code is the changes made. After several trace logs it is being called twice first time with the batch [1] and[5]is the second call how can I stop that from happening

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