Hi @Evgeny Shvarov,

I run my Docker Desktop on WIN10 
And with my setup, I have reviewed more than 300 Docker build sequences

Always focused on how easy it is for the average consumer and how well the description fits reality.
This package forced me to exercise settings that were just not needed before
And (differently from others) there is not the slightest signal in the description of that requirement.
It's some *KIT*  stuff and the official doc doesn't care much about WIN.
it finally moved along. and others should be warned [getting rid of it was another story]
And the result was something that I see multiple times daily in my SMP instances.

Nice screenshots from VSCode.
Just to be clear: I tried but will never use VSCode as long as I have my Studio available.
And I never touched it in any of my reviews or other situations.

at first sight, it looks like an issue on variable scoping with embedded SQL
a quite old issue
try %suspendedCount instead of suspendedCount

&sql(SELECT count(ID) into :%suspendedCount FROM Ens.MessageHeader where TargetQueueName not like '_S%' and TargetQueueName not like 'ENS%' and Status='Suspended' )
resulting  0 into suspendedCount