
Great post and video!

To add to the story, please check out my Learning Services video on converting multiple data types to FHIR R4.  I take a higher approach, but highlight similar tools that you dove deeply into.

Converting Legacy Data to FHIR R4 in InterSystems IRIS for Health

As a fellow FHIR Wizard 😉 I greatly understand and appreciate your effort in learning and sharing this content.  Hopefully our hard work together can promote these powerful capabilities to everyone and solve real world health tech problems out there.


The scenario that I can hypothesize that would produce these results are around the client timing out before the query finishes executing on the server. 

Query 1 fails because you have to do a join on the two large tables and your only where clause is against a property that is not indexed.

Query 2 succeeds because object IDs are "indices by nature".

Query 3(from your comment) succeeds because you are filtering out hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of Ens.MessageHeader objects in your join by using a where clause against and indexed MessageBodyClassName property.

I would recommend reaching out to InterSystems WRC to review the query cost and overall performance to confirm or dive deeper into the failures.


Specific schema structures can be added to the suite of InterSystems Products to accommodate new structures.  This can cause compatibility issues when trying to export new HL7 schema packages to older products.  So the answer is, "It depends on the schema and the version being imported to."

For your specific question, 2.8.HL7 is expected to import into 2015.2.2 without issues.  If you experience any problems with this, please reach out to InterSystems for additional investigation.




I just confirmed this behavior on Health Connect 2017.2.2.

I set up an HL7 Business Services to treat messages as individual HL7.  See the Business Service setting Batch Handling of "Individual".  I then passed in an HL7 with FHS and BHS headers, but no matching footers.  This sample HL7 data generated separate HL7 objects within the application.

I then set up an HL7 Business Operation to write this object to a file.  I confirmed that "Auto Batch Parent Segs" was unchecked.  The resulting HL7 data was saved without any HL7 batch header information.

I hope this helps.

I cannot get the file to upload.  Here is the raw XML:

Include Ensemble

Class Sample.CustomPurgeCriteria Extends (%SYS.Task.Definition, Ens.Util.BitmapPurge) [ System = 4 ]

/// How many days of messages should not be purged
Property NumberOfDaysToKeep As %Integer(MINVAL = 0) [ InitialExpression = ];

/// Preserve messages not yet completely processed
Property KeepIntegrity As %Boolean [ InitialExpression = ];

/// Delete message bodies whenever their message header is deleted. This is off by default because some Productions may
/// use message objects that are part of a larger environment and not transitory.
Property BodiesToo As %Boolean [ InitialExpression = ];

/// The type of thing to purge
Property TypesToPurge As %String(DISPLAYLIST = ",All Types,Events,Messages,Business Processes,Rule Logs,I/O Logs,Host Monitor Data,Managed Alerts", VALUELIST = ",all,events,messages,processes,rulelogs,iologs,hostcounters,managedalerts") [ InitialExpression = "events", Required ];

/// The name of the component to purge
/// This only applies to TypesToPurge = 'Messages'
Property SourceConfigName As %String;

/// The OnTask() method is called to execute the task
Method OnTask() As %Status
Set tTime = $ZH
    Set tDeletedCount = -1
    Set tBitmapCount = 0
    If ..TypesToPurge = "all" {
Set tSC = ##class(Ens.Purge).PurgeAll(.tDeletedCount,..NumberOfDaysToKeep,..KeepIntegrity,..BodiesToo)
Set (type,tDeletedCount)="" For Set type=$O(tDeletedCount(type),1,count) Quit:""=type  Continue:'count
Set tDeletedCount=tDeletedCount_", "_count_" "_type

Set tDeletedCount=$E(tDeletedCount,3,$L(tDeletedCount)) // get rid of the leading comma and space
Set tBitmapCount = -1
    ElseIf ..TypesToPurge = "events" {
Set tSC = ##class(Ens.Purge).PurgeEventLogsByDate(..NumberOfDaysToKeep,.tDeletedCount,..KeepIntegrity)
    ElseIf ..TypesToPurge = "messages" {
    // Call local Purge() ClassMethod instead of standard code
Set tSC = ..Purge(..NumberOfDaysToKeep,.tDeletedCount,..KeepIntegrity,..BodiesToo,,..SourceConfigName)
Set tDeletedCount=tDeletedCount_$S($G(tDeletedCount("bodies")):"("_tDeletedCount("bodies")_" bodies)",1:"")
// ============================
    ElseIf ..TypesToPurge = "processes" {
Set tSC = ##class(Ens.Purge).PurgeBusinessProcessesByDate(..NumberOfDaysToKeep,.tDeletedCount,..KeepIntegrity)
    ElseIf ..TypesToPurge = "rulelogs" {
Set tSC = ##class(Ens.Purge).PurgeRuleLogsByDate(..NumberOfDaysToKeep,.tDeletedCount,..KeepIntegrity)
    ElseIf ..TypesToPurge = "iologs" {
Set tSC = ##class(Ens.Util.IOLog).Purge(.tDeletedCount,..NumberOfDaysToKeep,..KeepIntegrity)
    ElseIf ..TypesToPurge = "hostcounters" {
Set tSC = ##class(Ens.MonitorService).Purge(.tDeletedCount,..NumberOfDaysToKeep,..KeepIntegrity)
    ElseIf ..TypesToPurge = "managedalerts" {
    Set tSC = ##class(Ens.Alerting.ManagedAlert).Purge(.tDeletedCount,..NumberOfDaysToKeep,..KeepIntegrity)
    ElseIf $ZStrip(..TypesToPurge,"*WC") = "" {
Set tSC = $$$ERROR($$$EnsErrGeneral,"No TypesToPurge specified")
    Else {
Set tSC = $$$ERROR($$$EnsErrGeneral,"Unrecognized TypesToPurge value '"_..TypesToPurge_"'")
    Set tTime = $ZH - tTime
    If $$$ISOK(tSC) {
If (tBitmapCount = 0) {
Set tBitmapCount = +$G(tDeletedCount("bitmaps"))
$$$LOGINFO("Purged "_tDeletedCount_" "_..TypesToPurgeLogicalToDisplay(..TypesToPurge)_$S(tBitmapCount>0: " and "_tBitmapCount_" bitmap chunks", 1: "")_" keeping the last "_..NumberOfDaysToKeep_" days with KeepIntegrity="_..KeepIntegrity_$S($Case(..TypesToPurge,"all":1,"messages":1,:0):" and BodiesToo="_..BodiesToo,1:"")_" in "_tTime_"s")
Else $$$LOGERROR("Error purging"_..TypesToPurgeLogicalToDisplay(..TypesToPurge)_" keeping the last "_..NumberOfDaysToKeep_" days with KeepIntegrity="_..KeepIntegrity_$S($Case(..TypesToPurge,"all":1,"messages":1,:0):" and BodiesToo="_..BodiesToo,1:"")_" : "_ $$$StatusDisplayString(tSC)) }
Quit tSC

/// Purge the message store, and event log
ClassMethod PurgeAll(pTypesToPurge As %String = "all", pNumberOfDaysToKeep As %Integer = 0, pBodiesToo As %Boolean = 1) As %Status
Set tTask = ..%New()
Set tTask.TypesToPurge = pTypesToPurge
Set tTask.NumberOfDaysToKeep = pNumberOfDaysToKeep
Set tTask.BodiesToo = pBodiesToo
Quit tTask.OnTask()

Method Purge(Output pDeletedCount As %Integer, pDaysToKeep As %Integer = 7, pKeepIntegrity As %Boolean = 1, pBodiesToo As %Boolean = 1, pBitmapChunkLimit As %Integer = 500, pSourceConfigName As %String) As %Status

Kill ^CacheTemp.EnsPurgeMessage($Job) // This global will hold errors and warnings for the message purge
Set ^CacheTemp.EnsPurgeMessage($Job) = $ZDT($H,3)
New %tDoNotDeleteDate,%tID,%tBodyId,%tBodyClassname Set %tID="", %tDoNotDeleteDate = $$$timeUTCHtoUTC($s($ztimezone'<0:($H-pDaysToKeep+1)_","_($ztimezone*60),1:($H-pDaysToKeep)_","_($ztimezone*60+86400)))
If '$data($$$EnsJobLocal) New $$$EnsJobLocal Set $$$EnsJobLocal = ""
Set tSC=$$$OK, SQLCODE=0, pDeletedCount=0, pDeletedCount("bodies")=0
If pBodiesToo {
If pKeepIntegrity {
Select TOP 100000000 ID,MessageBodyId,MessageBodyClassName Into :%tID,:%tBodyId,:%tBodyClassname From Ens.MessageHeader h
Where (TimeCreated < :%tDoNotDeleteDate)
--Added filter by component
And(SourceConfigName = :pSourceConfigName)
And 0 = ( Select Count(*) From Ens.MessageHeader
Where (SessionId = h.SessionId)
And (Status<>$$$eMessageStatusCompleted)
And (Status<>$$$eMessageStatusAborted)
And (Status<>$$$eMessageStatusError)
And (Status<>$$$eMessageStatusDiscarded) )
Order By TimeCreated
&sql(OPEN C1)
For &sql(FETCH C1)  Quit:SQLCODE
If %tBodyId'="" {
#; Delete body if body class exists and is persistent and ENSPURGE is NOT explicitly set to 0 (i.e. ENSPURGE=1 by default)
Set:""=%tBodyClassname&&(%tBodyId=+%tBodyId) %tBodyClassname="Ens.MessageBody"
If ""'=%tBodyClassname {
Set tExists=$G(aClass(%tBodyClassname))
If 0'=tExists {
If ""=tExists&&'($$$comClassDefined(%tBodyClassname)&&($classmethod(%tBodyClassname,"%IsA","%Persistent")||$classmethod(%tBodyClassname,"%IsA","%Stream.Object")))||($parameter(%tBodyClassname,"ENSPURGE")=0) {
Set aClass(%tBodyClassname)=0
Else {
try {
Set tSC1=$classmethod(%tBodyClassname,"%DeleteId",%tBodyId)
Set:""=tExists aClass(%tBodyClassname)=1, tExists=1 ; , aClass(%tBodyClassname,"extent")=##class(Ens.VDoc.SearchTableGenerator).GetExtentSuperclass(%tBodyClassname)
catch {
Set tSC1 = $$$SystemError
//Set:""=tExists aClass(%tBodyClassname)=0 Set:'$G(aClass(%tBodyClassname,"doneErr")) tSC1=$$$SystemError // This was preventing subsequent messages to be deleted (HCR374)
If $$$ISOK(tSC1) || $$$StatusEquals(tSC1,$$$DeleteObjectNotFound,$$$FileCanNotDelete,$$$NotAnInstanceError) {
Set tSC2 = ##class(Ens.SearchTableBase).RemoveSearchTableEntries(%tBodyClassname,%tBodyId,1)
If $$$ISERR(tSC2)&&'$G(aClass(%tBodyClassname,"doneErrST")) && '$$$StatusEquals(tSC2,$$$DeleteObjectNotFound,$$$FileCanNotDelete,$$$NotAnInstanceError) ; || ($$$StatusEquals(tSC2,$$$NotAnInstanceError) && '$classmethod(aClass(%tBodyClassname,"extent"),"%ExistsId",%tBodyId))
//Set aClass(%tBodyClassname,"doneErrST")=1 // This was preventing subsequent message's search table entries to be deleted (HCR374)
Set tMsg = "Failed to purge SearchTable entries for deleted body with BodyClassname='"_%tBodyClassname_"', BodyId='"_%tBodyId_"' from header "_%tID_" :"_$$$StatusDisplayString(tSC2)
Set tSC = ..PurgeSetTemp(3,tMsg,tSC,tSC2)
Else //ElseIf '$G(aClass(%tBodyClassname,"doneErr")) { // This was causing inadequate error reporting (HCR374)
//Set aClass(%tBodyClassname,"doneErr")=1 // This was preventing subsequent message bodies to be deleted (HCR374)
Set tMsg = "Failed to purge body for header "_%tID_", BodyClassname='"_%tBodyClassname_"':"_$$$StatusDisplayString(tSC1)
Set tSC = ..PurgeSetTemp(2,tMsg,tSC,tSC1)
Set pDeletedCount("bodies")=pDeletedCount("bodies")+$$$ISOK(tSC1)
&sql(DELETE From Ens.MessageHeader Where ID = :%tID)
Set pDeletedCount=pDeletedCount+%ROWCOUNT
Set tMsg = "Failed to purge message header "_%tID_": SQLCODE="_SQLCODE Set:$G(%msg)'="" tMsg = tMsg_", %msg="_%msg
Set tSC = ..PurgeSetTemp(1,tMsg,tSC,$$$ERROR($$$EnsErrGeneral,tMsg))
Else {
Select ID,MessageBodyId,MessageBodyClassName Into :%tID,:%tBodyId,:%tBodyClassname From Ens.MessageHeader
Where (TimeCreated < :%tDoNotDeleteDate)
--Added filter by component
And(SourceConfigName = :pSourceConfigName))
&sql(OPEN C2)
For &sql(FETCH C2)  Quit:SQLCODE
If %tBodyId'="" {
#; Delete body if body class exists and is persistent and ENSPURGE is NOT explicitly set to 0 (i.e. ENSPURGE=1 by default)
Set:""=%tBodyClassname&&(%tBodyId=+%tBodyId) %tBodyClassname="Ens.MessageBody"
If ""'=%tBodyClassname {
Set tExists=$G(aClass(%tBodyClassname))
If 0'=tExists {
If ""=tExists&&'($$$comClassDefined(%tBodyClassname)&&($classmethod(%tBodyClassname,"%IsA","%Persistent")||$classmethod(%tBodyClassname,"%IsA","%Stream.Object")))||($parameter(%tBodyClassname,"ENSPURGE")=0) {
Set aClass(%tBodyClassname)=0
Else {
try {
Set tSC1=$classmethod(%tBodyClassname,"%DeleteId",%tBodyId)
Set:""=tExists aClass(%tBodyClassname)=1, tExists=1 ;, aClass(%tBodyClassname,"extent")=##class(Ens.VDoc.SearchTableGenerator).GetExtentSuperclass(%tBodyClassname)
catch {
Set tSC1 = $$$SystemError
//Set:""=tExists aClass(%tBodyClassname)=0 Set:'$G(aClass(%tBodyClassname,"doneErr")) tSC1=$$$SystemError // This was preventing subsequent messages to be deleted (HCR374)
If $$$ISOK(tSC1) || $$$StatusEquals(tSC1,$$$DeleteObjectNotFound,$$$FileCanNotDelete,$$$NotAnInstanceError) {
Set tSC2 = ##class(Ens.SearchTableBase).RemoveSearchTableEntries(%tBodyClassname,%tBodyId,1)
If $$$ISERR(tSC2)&&'$G(aClass(%tBodyClassname,"doneErrST")) && '$$$StatusEquals(tSC2,$$$DeleteObjectNotFound,$$$FileCanNotDelete,$$$NotAnInstanceError) ; || ($$$StatusEquals(tSC2,$$$NotAnInstanceError) && '$classmethod(aClass(%tBodyClassname,"extent"),"%ExistsId",%tBodyId))
//Set aClass(%tBodyClassname,"doneErrST")=1 // This was preventing subsequent message's search table entries to be deleted (HCR374)
Set tMsg = "Failed to purge SearchTable entries for deleted body with BodyClassname='"_%tBodyClassname_"', BodyId='"_%tBodyId_"' from header "_%tID_" :"_$$$StatusDisplayString(tSC2)
Set tSC = ..PurgeSetTemp(3,tMsg,tSC,tSC2)
Else //ElseIf '$G(aClass(%tBodyClassname,"doneErr")) { // This was causing inadequate error reporting (HCR374)
//Set aClass(%tBodyClassname,"doneErr")=1 // This was preventing subsequent message bodies to be deleted (HCR374)
Set tMsg = "Failed to purge body for header "_%tID_", BodyClassname='"_%tBodyClassname_"':"_$$$StatusDisplayString(tSC1)
Set tSC = ..PurgeSetTemp(2,tMsg,tSC,tSC1)
Set pDeletedCount("bodies")=pDeletedCount("bodies")+$$$ISOK(tSC1)
&sql(DELETE From Ens.MessageHeader Where ID = :%tID)
Set pDeletedCount=pDeletedCount+%ROWCOUNT
Set tMsg = "Failed to purge message header "_%tID_": SQLCODE="_SQLCODE Set:$G(%msg)'="" tMsg = tMsg_", %msg="_%msg
Set tSC = ..PurgeSetTemp(1,tMsg,tSC,$$$ERROR($$$EnsErrGeneral,tMsg))
Else {
If pKeepIntegrity {
Select TOP 100000000 ID Into :%tID From Ens.MessageHeader h
Where TimeCreated < :%tDoNotDeleteDate
--Added filter by component
And(SourceConfigName = :pSourceConfigName)
And 0 = ( Select Count(*) From Ens.MessageHeader
Where (SessionId = h.SessionId)
And (Status<>$$$eMessageStatusCompleted)
And (Status<>$$$eMessageStatusAborted)
And (Status<>$$$eMessageStatusError)
And (Status<>$$$eMessageStatusDiscarded) )
Order By TimeCreated
&sql(OPEN C3For &sql(FETCH C3)  Quit:SQLCODE
&sql(Delete From Ens.MessageHeader Where ID=:%tID)
Set pDeletedCount=pDeletedCount+%ROWCOUNT
Set tMsg = "Failed to purge message header "_%tID_": SQLCODE="_SQLCODE Set:$G(%msg)'="" tMsg = tMsg_", %msg="_%msg
Set tSC = ..PurgeSetTemp(1,tMsg,tSC,$$$ERROR($$$EnsErrGeneral,tMsg))
Else {
Select ID Into :%tID From Ens.MessageHeader Where TimeCreated < :%tDoNotDeleteDate)
&sql(OPEN C4For &sql(FETCH C4)  Quit:SQLCODE
&sql(Delete From Ens.MessageHeader Where ID=:%tID)
Set pDeletedCount=pDeletedCount+%ROWCOUNT
Set tMsg = "Failed to purge message header "_%tID_": SQLCODE="_SQLCODE Set:$G(%msg)'="" tMsg = tMsg_", %msg="_%msg
Set tSC = ..PurgeSetTemp(1,tMsg,tSC,$$$ERROR($$$EnsErrGeneral,tMsg))
Set:SQLCODE&&(SQLCODE'=100) tSC=$$$ADDSC(tSC,$$$ERROR($$$EnsErrGeneral,"Purge error at ID "_$G(%tID)_"; SQLCODE = "_SQLCODE))
Set tBitmapSC = ..PurgeBitmaps(pBitmapChunkLimit,.tDeletedChunks)
Merge pDeletedCount("bitmaps") = tDeletedChunks
Quit $$$ADDSC(tSC,tBitmapSC)

/// Log a warning in the Event Log; add to tSC status; set error/warning in a temp global as below: <br>
/// Total error count is in subscript 0. <br>
/// Errors while deleting message headers are in subscript 1. <br>
/// Errors while deleting message bodies are in subscript 2. <br>
/// Errors while deleting search table entries are in subscript 3.
Method PurgeSetTemp(pType As %Integer, pMsg As %String, pSC As %Status, pSC2 As %Status) As %Status
Set tCount0 = $I(^CacheTemp.EnsPurgeMessage($Job,0))
Set tCount = $I(^CacheTemp.EnsPurgeMessage($Job,pType))
Set:$G(%tID)'="" ^CacheTemp.EnsPurgeMessage($Job,pType,%tID) = pMsg
If tCount0<11 {
Set pSC = $$$ADDSC(pSC,pSC2)
ElseIf tCount0=11 {
Set pSC = $$$ADDSC(pSC,$$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"There are more errors and/or warnings, see the Ensemble Event Log and ^CacheTemp.EnsPurgeMessage("_$Job_") for the full list"))
Else {
// do not put into pSC more than 10 messages
Quit pSC



I have previously written a task that accomplishes a similar goal as what you have described here.

It is not IntereSystems official, but does follow good Ensemble coding practices and has tested well in a handful of scenarios.

The attached task only purges one component at a time.  However, you could easily have multiple tasks each purging a specific component or you can update the code to handle more than one component at a time.


A simple example of how to count DocType's in the EnsLib_HL7.Message table is below:

SELECT Count(*) FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message
WHERE Name = 'ADT_A12'

If you need to compare Ens.MessageHeader properties too, you can do a join on the two tables:

select Count(*) from EnsLib_HL7.Message As Body
LEFT JOIN Ens.MessageHeader As Header
ON Body.ID = Header.MessageBodyId
WHERE Header.ID > 1 AND Body.Name = 'ADT_A12'

Hope this helps.

Clark is more or less correct.


In order for a Business Operation FTP Passthrough component to send a file downstream, the file has to have been saved somewhere local to Ensemble/HealthShare.  This can be one of two default locations.


1. The Caché database using GlobalCharacterStreams(initial default)

2. The local file system using FileCharacterStreams


This is controlled by the setting in the Business Service FTP Passthrough, "Use FileStream".  There is no default way of preventing the Business Service from saving the file. 


If space is your primary concern, then I would suggest an aggressive Message Purge strategy (using BodiesToo and KeepIntegrity set to true) as this can be a standard solution for keeping your persistent data  low even if you have large data flow in your Passthrough interface.


The #1 solution is to purge regularly so that you do not end up with a build up of so much data.

The #2 solution, if you do end up running into needing purge a lot of data, is to purge incrementally.  That is to run a purge for only a subset of your data.  Let your journal files get purged, and then purge another subset of data.  This procedure is tedious but the safest way to purge down large amounts of data.

Any other options would be custom solutions that InterSystems would want to be involved in assisting you with.


It appears though you have already resolved your issue by reinstalling the instance.

I encourage you to reach out to our Worldwide Response Center if you run into issues starting InterSystems applications in the future.  We can assist in identifying the root cause of what is preventing a normal startup.

You can find information about the WRC here:


You are setting a target property and then calling GetFieldStreamRaw on the source.  Any changes you make to the target message before you call GetFieldStreamRaw and then the subsequent StoreFieldStreamRaw will be overwritten by the StoreFieldStreamRaw method.

Essentially your DTL example is doing the following:

Set source = "OldValue"

Set target = "NewValue"

Set target = source

"NewValue" is overwritten.

Simply add your DTL actions to manipulate the target message AFTER the StoreFieldStreamRaw calls and you should be all set.


The order of which the different purge tasks are listed was not meant to indicate an order of which to run them in.  The order is up to the discretion of the Administrator.

The two tasks will be searching for different message sets to delete, so they will not overlap.  There would not be a noticeable performance benefit to running one before the other.