Is there a way to add specific table permissions to a security role programmatically? I'm working on scripting some of the initial setup work when we sell certain add-ons to our software, and I see how I can assign resources to a role and give it a description, but I don't see how I tell it that this role gives the user, for example, SELECT privileges only on the invoices table, or SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

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In Cache 2018, we were using a macro in a query that looked like this:

select $$GetExtraSQL^GetExtra('B',bddtl.odnumb,bddtl.odsnum,bddtl.oddsc1) as "Description", * from sqluser.bddtl

We could save that query as a view, and there was no problem with it.

In IRIS, if we put that query into SQL in the management portal, it still works, but if we save that query as a view, when we try to run a query on that view, we get a big error message:

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Has anyone had any success reading barcodes from PDFs or images in a Cache/IRIS application? I've been looking at some possible solutions for this, including the open source ZXing libraries. I know we have the ability to create them in Zen and Intersystems Reports, but as far as I know, there's nothing built in to actually read data from a barcode. If anyone has suggestions on how to go about this, I'd love to hear them.

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Is there a way for us to restrict user's ODBC permissions based on what program they're running on a client?

For example, we have some older Windows apps (.exe) that are a regular part of our software package which require the user to be able to select, insert, update, and delete. Some of our users are also using other third-party apps to connect (mostly reporting tools) but we only want them to be able to select unless we've approved the exe. Is there a way to do that?

These are not applications that were developed using CacheDirect.

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Is there a way, for testing purposes at least, to change a CSP session over to a different user? We have a lot of things in our system that are allowed or restricted based on the user login, so it would be useful for me to be able to occasionally run as a different user to see how things look and work for them. I've tried using the %CSP.Session.Login function, but that still shows the CSP session as being from the original user, not the one I've switched to.

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Pouring The Coffee: Creating and scheduling a task

Don't you wish a fresh, hot cup of coffee could be waiting for you right when you get into the office? Let's automate that!

Cache and IRIS come with a built-in Task Manager, which should have a familiar feel to those used to using the Windows task scheduler or using cron on Linux. Your user account will need access to the %Admin_Task resource to use it, and you can access it in the management portal under System Operation -> Task Manager. When first installed, there are roughly 20 types of task that you can schedule.

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If I open a terminal and type the following commands, sc is an error:

set validator = "sc = ##class(%Library.Numeric).IsValid(""BLAH"")"
set @validator
write sc

At the end, when I write sc I get:


However, if I call the following class method using the arguments "%Library.Numeric" and "BLAH", sc is undefined

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I'm trying to set up VS Code for ObjectScript using the instructions found here. I've got both Cache 2018.1.2.309.0 and IRIS 2020. When I try to connect to either one of them the connection fails, and I get a notification in the bottom right corner that says "Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0". I've checked the JSON settings file that VS Code uses, and they're fine and formatted properly. All of the settings I've entered are correct.

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