Are you trying to get all of the classes that a class extends? You can do that like this:

	set classname = $CLASSNAME($THIS)
	&sql(select primarysuper into :super from %dictionary.compiledclass where id=:classname)
	w super,!

If you do that, super is a ~ separated list of the class and everything that it inherits from, which is probably actually more information than you need.

Glad you got an answer to your main question. To answer your other question about how to check a status, the Execute and Prepare methods of the %ResultSet class return a %Status. Where you have do Rs.Prepare(SQL) and do Rs.Execute(), you could use:

set sc = Rs.Prepare(SQL)
if $$$ISERR(sc) {$$$ThrowStatus(sc)}
set sc = Rs.Execute()
if $$$ISERR(sc) {$$$ThrowStatus(sc)}

Then if there was an error doing either of those things, it would get passed off to your catch block. In your case, there would've been an error indicating your permissions issue.

No, it doesn't run as soon as the previous task ends. It runs at the next scheduled time. So in my example above, if your task runs at 12:00:00 and doesn't finish until 12:01:30, the next scheduled time is 12:02:00, so that's when it'll run next. I'm not sure how far back in versions this goes, but you might be able to change that behavior so it's more like what you're expecting.

A task expires if it can't run when it was scheduled. This could be because your Ensemble instance was down when the task started, or it could be because a previous instance of the task was still running when it was supposed to start again. For example, if you have a task set to run every minute but it takes the task 90 seconds to complete, then when it run at 12:00, it will be supposed to start again at 12:01, but since it will still be running, the 12:01 task will expire and the task will run again at 12:02.

There isn't a consistent mapping for everything, but if you're in the %SYS namespace, you can query the tables %SYS.Task and %SYS_Task.History to find these specific things. Some of the security related things are in the Security scheme, like Security.Roles and Security.Users.

When you're in the SQL part of the system management portal, if you check the box to show system tables on the left, you can see a lot of these then under tables, and you'll be able to guess what a lot of them are just based on the names.

Rich, I understand all of that. Why, though, do answers to those of us who like Zen always including language like:

". . . could never hope to reach feature parity with more broadly accepted frame works like Angular and the others listed above . . ."

". . . that could never achieve feature parity with those mass market offerings . . ."

I know I'm newer than a lot of people here, but I have yet to see anyone asking about Zen asking for feature parity with any of those other front ends. Meanwhile, the part that actually matters gets discounted:

". . . could only beat them in providing faster, more efficient access to the data layer."

There doesn't seem to be a very good understanding of why some of us are still as attached to Zen as we are (other than momentum). That fast, efficient access to the data layer is extremely important, and we like being able to handle the front end and back end together, seemlessly writing the code it takes to do whatever we need to do on both at once. Zen also allowed us to do all of this using the same skill set that we used for everything else in our projects instead of having to learn two entirely different things for the front and back.

Absolutely none of this has anything to do with a desire for something Zen-like with all the bells and whistles of something like Angular.

As Robert said, the data and indexes are both stored in global trees. The structure of the trees for indices and the trees for general data storage are different, though, and that's where the efficiency comes from.

The data will be stored in the ^EMPLOYEED global. You'll see a bunch of data in that global like:

^EMPLOYEED(1) = $lb("001","ABC",20)

^EMPLOYEED(2) = $ib("002","AAA",21)

Those are lists of every property of that class, indexed by the ID column.

The indexes, on the other hand, will look more like:



This allows for a much more efficient search to find the ID of the records that match your search criteria, similar to if you opened a terminal and put in:

write $ORDER(^EMPLOYEEI("IDX_EMPID","001",""))

Which would give you row 1, then it could more easily look up row 1 in the original without having to go through every record in the table in order searching for it.

In your system management portal, you can run your query and check the query plan, then run it again telling it to ignore indexes like this:


This will tell it to ignore all indexes on the table. You can check that query plan and compare it to the original to see the differences in how the query finds data and how well it performs.

If you are accessing them through IIS now (i.e. using port 80) then you just need to get the SSL certificate set up in IIS and you'll be able to access those URLs using HTTPS. Keep in mind that HTTPS by default uses port 443, so you may have to make a firewall change accordingly.

You may also want to consider setting up a URL rewrite so that requests that come in as HTTP are redirected to their new HTTPS versions.