go to post Pietro Montorfano · Jan 31, 2024 Hi Kurro,if the production stores data that needs to be maintained in the DB, you need to do something more complex (like mapping the data globals in the new NS to the old DB. If not the safest way to test and also migrate everything is what you are proposing: make a backup of the original DB (freeze/thaw or the iris utility from management portal, restore to different location and keep an eye on NOT SETTING SWITCH 10 during restore https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls... online backup) create a new NS copying from the old one do the mapping accordingly import the upgraded code in the new NS disable all the producion pieces (BO / BP / BS) on the new production disable the production part (brands) that needs to be migrated on the old version enable them on the new version If something on the new production goes bad, you can easily enable the disabled pieces on the old version, and disable them on the new one. Pietro
go to post Pietro Montorfano · Jan 16, 2024 Hi,may be that you are connecting to the webserver port and not the superserver one? Can you post an "iris list"? You can also include the connection in a try/catch and check on iris in application error logs and audit database (the audit db probably is the one that you need to check first). you can have a look at a script that i've made that basically implements a remote cli to iris https://github.com/m0nt0/riris/blob/main/src/riris
go to post Pietro Montorfano · Nov 13, 2023 Hi! May be with something like this https://community.intersystems.com/post/get-most-out-intersystems-sam-im... or with a custom setup of grafana/prometheus to send alert and not only visualize them. Be also advised that it's going to be deprecated https://community.intersystems.com/post/deprecation-intersystems-system-...
go to post Pietro Montorfano · Sep 11, 2023 Hi @Sandeep K C As said before you can use zf, but you need to configure the underlying os to let you use unauthenticated access between 2 systems (sudo and ssh keyless).
go to post Pietro Montorfano · Sep 11, 2023 Hi, You should consider to check other is errors. Usually happens when /tmp is full, when the disks are slow (top command and look for "wa" statistic), check system logs and, may be, apache limits. It's saying that he can't create a job, so you are short on some resource. Or the antivirus...
go to post Pietro Montorfano · Sep 9, 2023 no no for the testldap don't remove it. Test ldap will run the query as it will do on the login giving you the output of the search for debugging. May be how samacountname is written? On an AD installation i got it as "sAMAccountName"...
go to post Pietro Montorfano · Sep 8, 2023 i think that zauth will conflict with ldap integrated, but before switching off zauth, make sure that ldap works as expected using the "test ldap authentication" on the previous screen. What i see from your screen is that you may have errors in the "hostname" and "search username dn". Hostname should be the ip or fqdn of your AD domain servers (start with one and then add all the other). Search username has to be specified in LDAPish way so something likecn=ensemble Service,dc=osumc,dc=edu
go to post Pietro Montorfano · Sep 7, 2023 Hi,as always you can, but it's quite complex. in order you should: create the db on server 1 add it to the mirror backup the db on server1 restore the db on server2 bring it online do the catchup on server2 Everything is scriptable, but it can be complex because it involves 2 servers
go to post Pietro Montorfano · Sep 7, 2023 Hi Scott,i've setup ldap auth and basically it automatically do what you are looking for. The only thing is (like you saw) that you have the AD groups named as IRIS is expecting. This is an example of what we are using and to have a %All a user must be in the ad group isc_Role_%All
go to post Pietro Montorfano · Sep 7, 2023 never tried but worked with a lot of copy between versions and architectures (think that this isn't different). The first error is from the restore, you are trying to restore a db on an existing one with different block size (8k vs 16k may be). Try to restore to a new database and this will be solved. The other problem that you are facingis that replacing the mgr will result in a broken instance.With the restore and also by copying the databases (more or less is the same thing), I would NEVER restore the default databases : IRISSYSIRISLIBIRISLOCALDATA <-- probably could be replacedIRISAUDIT <-- probably could be replacedENSLIBHSCUSTOMHSLIBHSSYS I'd say that if you can shut down both instances you can simply copy the iris.dat files in place from windows to container. This way you won't lose time in doing backup / restore Keep in mind that every configuration done needs to be synced on the container (users, privileges, web applications, roles, namespaces,....).
go to post Pietro Montorfano · Sep 7, 2023 Hi,you could configure sudo like irisusr ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl stop httpd.service where irisusr is the user that runs iris. For the other server you could do the same thing and setup ssh to authenticate via keys On source server:su - irisusrssh-copy-id this_is_the_other_web_serverbut the real question is: why do you want to stop httpd? You could configure webgateway to have the other server as a failover. configure connection to server2setup application to be server1 primary, server2 backup
go to post Pietro Montorfano · May 25, 2023 Hi,i'll try a copy after join the mirror (step 11 before step 9) so that mirror knows that there's a new member. So basically shut down both iris, copy the files from TEST_NODE1 to TEST_NODE2 and start them again (first TEST_NODE1 and the TEST_NODE2) Pietro
go to post Pietro Montorfano · May 24, 2023 yeah, i've read that and saw this in a lot of other SQL DB, but when it comes to reality with a large amount of insert/delete made to the table the index is corrupted and there's the need to rebuild it like once a week. Have you got any experiece like this? I need to create an index and use it on a table that will costantly have insert and delete (transactional data, a list/queue of transactions that needs to be processed) Thanks
go to post Pietro Montorfano · May 23, 2023 I think that it depends on the filters in studio. You should be looking for a "class definition CLS". Try to check it with the web portal. System explorer > classes, choose the namespace (should be "monitor"), look at the classes
go to post Pietro Montorfano · May 19, 2023 You can became iris owner with su - iris owner Via sudo or via root user Moreover you can run iris list To see where iris is installed. Other "funny" ways can be lsof | grep iris ps ef | grep iris
go to post Pietro Montorfano · May 19, 2023 Hi, to examine and kill a job i'll go via terminal in iris session, zn to %SYS and execute ^JOBEXAM that is a sort of "top" for linux. in the process list you can push (or keep pushed) spacebar to update the screen and keep an eye on the column "globals" and "lines", the ones that will grow really fast are probably the jobs that you are looking for. Using "n" and "p" you can go to "Next" or "Previous" page. When you fins the process that in your opinion is the one that needs to be killed you can examine what it's doing pushing "E" to "Examine" and give the job number (the first column). Also in this case pressing spacebar will update the screen. When you are sure that you want to kill that process proceed with "t" to "Terminate" the job followed by the number. Doing so, you can easily find all the jobs that needs to be killed
go to post Pietro Montorfano · May 17, 2023 yes if you have the global mapped in some different db, GOF will tell you so you need to go first with ^%GD to display the mapping, zn to that db and use ^%GOF. ^%GIF can be used anywhere inside the Namespace.
go to post Pietro Montorfano · May 15, 2023 Ok, if we are talking about code in deployed mode you simply can't do this. You must get a code compiled for your actual version. You can try with $SYSTEM.OBJ.Export which export the obj, but you will probably get the same error.