There is several classes that allow to create TCP/IP connections (eg: to connect to a service).

Example : %Net.FtpSession (port 21), %Net.HttpRequest (usually port 80 or 443)

AFAIK connection will stay open unless closed explicitly or if variable that hold the instance is garbage collected.

Is there a way to get a list of all active (open) TCP/IP connections IRIS is maintaining so far ?

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I have several 1GB journals from a LIVE server that I would like to inspect (eg: check which globals have been updated over the time).

Is there a simple way to view those journals using another IRIS instance ? (eg: local installation).

I have been tempted to put those files directly into the journal folder of my local installation and restart the system, however I am concerned that the transactions they contains will be restored and will corrupt the local database.

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I would like to get a list of all globals that have been read or written during a given context. In Portal, there are counters in dashboard that give the number of read/write to globals in general.

What I am looking for :

- some handler (eg: like $ZTRAP) that will be called everytime something is read/written to a global.

- to activate a "global log mode" in Portal that will dump some information to a file (like ^ISCSOAP for SOAP requests).

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I did some experiments on my local machine and found out that IRIS seems to associate each request (eg: CSP request) to a dedicated process named IrisDB.exe

This process has 3 threads, and one of them seems to be the main working thread (that will the handle request).

If I spawn many concurrent requests, the number of IrisDB processes on my local machine will grow (to make sure each request can be handled in parallel).

It seems there is a limit : it will create no more than 64 processes to handle requests (eg: even if 100 concurrent requests are send to IRIS).

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Out of curiosity, I was looking in ^ROUTINE global to see how routines are stored internally.

I found out that lot of nodes are displaying "~pointer" as associated value (eg: instead of a string).

What are those pointers ? My guess is that it references some cache internal structure (eg: some nodes inside a B-Tree).

Is there a easily way to see what is behind ? Are pointers useful for user globals or is this something purely internal to Cache database ?

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I got an error that occurs inside %CSP.Broker. That class is located inside %SYS namespace.

I tried lot of things (including checking system logs) but ultimately what would really help would be to be able to modify that class to add my own logs into it.

If I try to modify it, I got this error message:

Item '%CSP.Broker' is mapped from a database that you do no have write permissions on.

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We recently migrated to IRIS. Before, the CACHE.EXE executable could be invoked from a batch file directly :

C:\InterSystems\Cache\bin\cache.exe -s C:\InterSystems\Cache\mgr -U %SYS

This will display the following in console :

Node: DESKTOP-8H4B321, Instance: CACHE


Additionally, the pipe instruction can be used to redirect some commands directly

echo write 50 | C:\InterSystems\Cache\bin\cache.exe -s C:\InterSystems\Cache\mgr -U %SYS

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I would like to create a toolbar button in Cache Studio. After clicking on it, it would run a custom command (eg: to execute a routine that will clean a global).

I took a look at dialog that is shown after right clicking on a toolbar in Studio, then choosing "Customize" but AFAIK there is nothing there that allow such a thing.

I know it's possible to customize menu items by extending %Studio.SourceControl.Base class, is there something similar for toolbars ?

Here is some base code example (based on Danny Wijnschenk answer) :

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