Article Hiroshi Sato · Nov 21 1m read How mirroring synchronizes non-database files InterSystems FAQ rubric Mirroring only synchronizes database files. To synchronize other files required for your application (CSP files, images, documents, etc.) between the two servers that make up the mirror set follow one of the approaches: Place those files on a shared disk by introducing a NAS or similar device Or use file sync software to synchronize files between two servers. #InterSystems IRIS #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 0 0 96
Article Hiroshi Sato · Aug 22 1m read How to download an image file from a web server using ObjectScript language InterSystems FAQ rubric The following code downloads and saves the file as c:\temp\test.png. You need to define an SSL configuration called SSLTEST before executing this code #ObjectScript #Security #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #Health Connect 8 0 3 114
Article Hiroshi Sato · Jun 27 1m read How to output audit logs programmatically (by user or event) InterSystems FAQ rubric You can use the List query of the %SYS.Audit to output audit logs programmatically. The sample code is as follows: #Security #Tips & Tricks #InterSystems IRIS #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 0 0 93
Article Hiroshi Sato · Jun 20 2m read How to upload/download image files from an FTP server InterSystems FAQ rubric The procedure for uploading/downloading from an FTP server is as follows. 1. Upload the image file to the FTP server #ObjectScript #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 0 1 127
Article Hiroshi Sato · Jun 6 1m read How to perform specific actions when starting an InterSystems product InterSystems FAQ rubric If you want to run an OS executable file, command, or a program created within an InterSystems product when the InterSystems product starts, write the processing in the SYSTEM^%ZSTART routine. (The %ZSTART routine is created in the %SYS namespace). Before you write any code in SYSTEM^%ZSTART, make sure that it works properly under all conditions. #System Administration #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 1 0 101
Article Hiroshi Sato · May 30 1m read How to avoid ODBC query timeouts InterSystems FAQ rubric To disable the timeout, set the query timeout to disabled in the DSN settings: Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) > System DSN configuration If you check Disable query timeout, the timeout will be disabled. If you want to change it on the application side, you can set it at the ODBC API level. Set the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT attribute when calling the ODBC SQLSetStmtAttr function before connecting to the data source. #ODBC #SQL #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 0 0 170
Article Hiroshi Sato · May 16 1m read How to run SQL in terminal InterSystems FAQ rubric Too run SQL in Terminal use $system.SQL.Shell(). Please refer to the sample below. #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 0 0 176
Article Hiroshi Sato · May 9 2m read Notes on changing the system date for testing purposes InterSystems FAQ rubric If you change the system date, InterSystems Data Platform (IRIS) may not start properly. #System Administration #Tips & Tricks #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 3 0 0 194
Article Hiroshi Sato · Apr 25 1m read Regarding naming conventions for table names (class names) and column names (property names) InterSystems FAQ rubric For naming conventions, please check the respective document pages below. About table name (class name): Identifier rules and guidelines - classes #Coding Guidelines #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #Health Connect #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 5 0 1 182
Article Hiroshi Sato · Apr 11 2m read How to view the contents of journal files outside of the Management Portal InterSystems FAQ rubric If the journal file is too large to be searched or filtered using the Management Portal, you can refer to it using the following two methods. ① How to use the ^JRNDUMP utility② How to reference it in a program ================================================== ========== #System Administration #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 5 0 1 273
Article Hiroshi Sato · Apr 4 1m read Enable access to the Web Gateway/CSP Gateway settings management page from any client InterSystems FAQ rubric The Web/CSP Gateway management page is typically configured so that it cannot be accessed from client machines. To access from any client, do the following: #CSP #System Administration #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 3 0 0 234
Article Hiroshi Sato · Mar 28 1m read How to register and reference task schedules programmatically InterSystems FAQ rubric Here, we will introduce a sample code for registering and referencing task schedules. ①Sample of task schedule registration *Create a task to execute do ^TEST every day at 1:00 am. #System Administration #Tips & Tricks #InterSystems IRIS #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS for Health 5 2 0 199
Article Hiroshi Sato · Mar 21 2m read SQL access method for properties that define list collections InterSystems FAQ rubric Properties defined in list collections (Property XXX As list of %String;) can be manipulated using SQL functions: $LISTBUILD(), $LISTFROMSTRING(). For each SQL function, please refer to the document page below. #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 3 1 1 199
Article Hiroshi Sato · Mar 14 1m read What can you do with record maps? InterSystems FAQ rubric Record maps are used to efficiently map files containing delimited records or fixed-width records to message classes used by the interoperability function, and to map files from interoperability function message classes to text files. Record map mapping definitions can be created using the Management Portal, and we also provide a CSV record wizard that allows you to define while reading a CSV file. #Interoperability #Tips & Tricks #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 3 0 1 310
Article Hiroshi Sato · Mar 7 1m read Performing index rebuild in multiple processes while using an application InterSystems FAQ rubric You can use the %IndexBuilder class to perform index rebuilding using multiple processes. Here is an example for the purpose of defining the standard index HomeStateIdx for the Home_State (state information of contact address) column of Sample.Person. The steps are as follows: 1. Hide the index name to be added/rebuilt from the query optimizer. #Tips & Tricks #Caché #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 3 0 1 216
Article Hiroshi Sato · Feb 29 1m read How to register global mapping programmatically InterSystems FAQ rubric Global mappings can be registered using the system class Config.MapGlobals. The method to globally map ^Sample.PersonD in a database SAMPLES other than the default database from the namespace USER is as follows (example executed in a terminal). #System Administration #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 0 1 202
Article Hiroshi Sato · Feb 15 2m read How to use $ZF(-100) InterSystems FAQ rubric The $ZF(-100) command is used in the following format. $ZF(-100, flags, command name, command arguments) The "/shell" flag is required when running OS commands.For example, use mkdir like this: #Tips & Tricks #Caché #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 5 0 3 236
Article Hiroshi Sato · Feb 8 1m read Points to note when uninstalling InterSystems IRIS on Linux InterSystems FAQ rubric On Linux, use the following steps to delete an instance of InterSystems IRIS (hereinafter referred to as IRIS). (1) Stop the IRIS instance you want to uninstall using iris stop # iris stop <instance name> (2) Delete the instance information using the following command #System Administration #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 2 0 1 386
Article Hiroshi Sato · Feb 1 1m read How to enable Interoperability functionality in an existing namespace InterSystems FAQ rubric To enable Interoperability functionality after creating a namespace, use the EnableNamespace method of the %EnsembleMgr class: do ##class(%EnsembleMgr).EnableNamespace() #System Administration #Tips & Tricks #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 3 0 0 206
Article Hiroshi Sato · Jan 18 1m read Settings that need to be copied when migrating the server InterSystems FAQ rubric If you need to migrate your server for some reason, you can reduce the setup work by copying configuration information from the pre-migration environment to the post-migration environment. The following setting information can be migrated. #System Administration #Tips & Tricks #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 5 1 2 228