go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 25, 2022 For those that use a Windows workstation but code on a Linux/Unix-based server, here's a configuration that provides a remote IRIS terminal session. It uses the ssh client that is included with Windows 10 (I'm assuming there's one in Windows 11 as well). Add it to your user settings to make it available across all of your projects, or to your workspace settings to have a custom terminal session per workspace: "terminal.integrated.profiles.windows": { "IRIS Session": { "overrideName": true, "path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\OpenSSH\\ssh.exe", "args": [ "-t", "<user>@<hostname>", "iris session <instance>" ] } }
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 18, 2022 Do you have a corporate mail server that supports SMTP relay? You would need to get the details from the administrator of the mail system. Some require TLS, some don't. Some require credentials, others don't. You can use GMail, in which case you would need a configuration of something like this: Mail server? smtp.gmail.com Mail server port? 587Mail server SSLConfiguration? <SSLConfigName> <-- You would need to create this in Security | SSL/TLS ConfigurationsMail server UseSTARTTLS? 1 You will also need to supply your Gmail email address for the username, and an app password (created in your Google Account Security settings) for the Set Authentication option. Your best bet would be to discuss your email delivery requirements with the mail server administrator of your organization; they should be able to provide you with the required values. If this is for a private/personal installation of Caché or IRIS, GMail is probably the easiest to configure and best documented.
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 18, 2022 If you create a class that extends Ens.Rule.FunctionSet, you can have a method that's selectable from the expression editor in either a DTL or a Routing Rule ... Class User.Util.MetaData Extends Ens.Rule.FunctionSet { /// Retrieves the UserValue associated with key <var>pKey</var> from the message object supplied as /// <var>pMsg</var> (normally <strong>source</strong> in a DTL or <strong>Document</strong> in /// a Routing Rule) as a %String. Returns an empty string if the key is undefined. ClassMethod UserValueGet(pMsg As EnsLib.HL7.Message, pKey As %String) As %String { If pMsg.UserValues.IsDefined(pKey) { Return pMsg.UserValues.GetAt(pKey) } Return "" } }
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 17, 2022 I haven't found support for this yet. I have a need for this as well and am considering writing an adapter to support get/put operations using smbclient. If there's a better/quicker way to accomplish this, I'd be very excited to learn about it We had toyed with the idea of mounting all of the shares as cifs filesystems on the RHEL 8.5 hosts, but there are quite a few ... Dynamically establishing a connection and then performing the required operation is preferred.
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 12, 2022 If you're interested in seeing what the actual request looks like, use the value 1 for the 2nd parameter to the Get/Post/Put/etc. call. USER> Do objHttpRequest.Get("location",1) This will output the request to the local device, so it's handy for terminal-based troubleshooting.
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 10, 2022 Sorry Scott, got busy and never looped back. I'm assuming you've found the issue ... by checking the configs for any production components that referenced RecordMap message types and verifying that the RecordMap classes they use exist. Thanks for marking my (somewhat incomplete) answer as correct
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 7, 2022 If your class is JSON-enabled (subclasses %JSON.Adaptor), it should be as simple as calling the message object's %JSONExportToStream() or %JSONExportToString() method: Set tSC = msgObj.%JSONExportToStream(.oStream)
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 7, 2022 What happens if you use SELECT TOP 1 Full_Message ...? Embedded SQL doesn't work for queries that return multiple rows* (assuming that's what you mean by "multiple results"). * unless you're using cursor-based queries
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 7, 2022 Hi Scott, can you open the production in Studio and look for any oddities in the configuration values for your services and operations that use record maps? I've seen similar issues when a production was configured with references to certain classes and the classes were subsequently deleted.
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 5, 2022 The simplest solution is to make sure the ADT transform/send rule is called before the ORM transform/send rule in the routing rule, set the router's pool size to 1, and enable the "Force Sync Send" option in the router. What happens to the ORM message when the ADT message is NAKed, though, may be problematic. If you want more granular control over this processing, invoke the transformations and subsequent calls to the operation via a BPL instead of a router. You will be able to evaluate the ACK/NAK response from the called Business Operation responsible for sending the ADT message and take appropriate measures for processing/suspending the ORM message.
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 4, 2022 You Windows users have scripting ... wait for: Username: send: username<CR> wait for: Password: send: password<CR> send: :alias sql Do $system.SQL.Shell()<CR> send: :alias % zn "%SYS"<CR> Save the script to a file with an .scr extension, and start terminal with: \path\to\iristerm.exe /console=cn_iptcp:hostname[port] \path\to\scriptname.scr
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 3, 2022 Node: Krusty, Instance: HEALTHSHARE Username: jeff Password: **** USER>:c USER>:h 1: :h USER>:a USER>:sql >> Invalid history command USER>:t >> Invalid history command USER>w $ZV IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215_0_21260U) Tue Nov 9 2021 19:30:33 EST Maybe you're seeing a 2021.2 behavior. Or it's just this docker thing the cool kids use ...
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 3, 2022 Hmm. :sql or :s does not seem to work for me without actually creating an alias. I'm currently testing this with HealthShare, $ZV = IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215_0_21260U) Tue Nov 9 2021 19:30:33 EST. Maybe a 2021.2 feature?
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 2, 2022 Thanks, Evgeny. Do you have a sample/example of how that might be done?
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Jan 1, 2022 Hi Joel, is there any way to persist aliases from session to session?
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Dec 24, 2021 Oops, instead of hr.SetParam() try hr.InsertFormData("name","value"). This works for me: USER>set req=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New() USER>set req.Server = "blah.org" USER>do req.SetParam("name","value") USER>do req.Post("method",1,0) // 2nd param is output to current device; 3rd is no reset POST /method?name=value HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; InterSystems IRIS;) Host: blah.org Accept-Encoding: gzip Content-Length: 0
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Dec 24, 2021 set hr=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()set hr.Server = "server.com"set hr.Location = "method"do hr.SetParam("name","value")
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Dec 23, 2021 The one time I had a similar issue was when I had exported an LDAP configuration and imported it to another server. I was using instance-based role assignments and I had neglected to change the Authorization Instance ID to match the AD-defined roles for the server I was importing to.
go to post Jeffrey Drumm · Dec 21, 2021 A <code> section would work, but if you're going to use this regularly within your DTLs, it might make sense to create a custom method that would be available through the Function drop-down list in the DTL Editor. For Example: Class User.Test.FunctionSet Extends Ens.Util.FunctionSet { /// Unescapes the field value provided in <var>pPath</var> and returns it as a String. ClassMethod UnEscapeHL7(pPath As %String, pSeps As %String = "|^~\&", pEsc As %String = "\") As %String { Return ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Segment).UnescapeEx(pPath, pSeps, pEsc) } } Call it like this (replacing the field in my example with the field containing your note comment): I've updated the method to optionally accept separators and the escape character as arguments; you would use source.Separators and source.ESC to override the default values with the ones supplied in the source message.