@Robert C. Cemper has you on the right track, but I'm curious as to whether the vendor of the foreign (i.e. non-HealthShare/HealthConnect) system has provided a specification. Do you need to accommodate Acknowledgement messages for both sending/receiving? Is there some sort of handshake protocol that is used to indicate when it's safe to send, a sort of RTS/CTS-type mechanism? Or is this being designed "on the fly?"

If I were designing something like this, I'd go with a web service ... always over the same port, and when you want to send something you'd POST it. When there's nothing to POST, you'd periodically GET to see if anything is waiting.

Anything else would most likely be a one-off in healthcare integration.

One additional modification to @Stuart Strickland's most amazing attempt:

 j=1:1:$l(i) c=$e(i,j),o=$g(o)_$s(",.!?"[c:c,c?1a:$e(" ",j>1)_$ZCVT(c,"U")_$p("lfa77harlie7elta7cho7oxtrot777ndia7777ike7ovember7scar777omeo777niform7777ankee",7,$a(c)#32),1:"")

180 192 characters, assuming Unix line endings and a ridiculously limited use case that still solves the problem devil

EDIT: Added 12 characters to add fix for capitalized output ...

Hi @Eduard Lebedyuk,

I recently implemented this mechanism for handling ad-hoc message selection queries to the Google Health HL7v2 Store, and wanted to share a modification needed to satisfy the customer.

Their concern was that the service name was hard-coded in the dispatch class, and that they would have to touch the code if they used the class with a differently named service. To resolve that, I added a TargetConfigName property to the otherwise empty proxy service along with a SETTINGS parameter to reveal it through the configuration panel and allow the user to configure it.

I then modified the methods in the dispatch class to expect the service name in the URL "launch" argument and interrogate the production for the specified service's TargetConfigName value.

As always, thank you for the informative articles and answers!

Do you need the eventual user to be prompted for a password when opening the PDF? If so, you'll need to push it through an external application/utility (under IRIS/Cache control) that supports command-line password protection for the output file.

If you just need to encrypt the file for delivery but don't need the user to be prompted for a password when opening the document, there are a number of encryption options in the %SYSTEM.Encryption class.

I'm seeing some interesting behavior in the Production view, and I think it has something to do with changes made to the way active items are colored when not actually running. The Proxy Service's status icon always displays pale green when enabled, while other items that are enabled display a dark green icon. This is behavior I first noticed in HealthConnect/IRIS4Health with 2020.1 in relation to scheduled hosts. Although they were enabled, they would only display in the dark green color when the schedule started them and would revert to pale green when the schedule stopped them.

I'm just curious to know if there's a way to force the proxy service to display a "normal" dark green icon, even though it's not actually doing anything.