Thanks, @Jolyon Smith, that does give me something to go on. This is the error I'm seeing on each connection attempt:

Error: unable to verify the first certificate
    at TLSSocket.onConnectSecure (node:_tls_wrap:1530:34)
    at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:390:28)
    at TLSSocket._finishInit (node:_tls_wrap:944:8)
   at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (node:_tls_wrap:725:12)

The cert shows no issues when using Chrome, but what I've read in researching this error is that AV software may be a contributor. Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to turn it off on the system I'm testing with, so I'll need to work with the customer's PC support team to see if that makes a difference. I've already tried setting http.proxyStrictSSL and http.systemCertificates to false, and set http.proxySupport to off.

You shouldn't need to ...

DEV>Set msg = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).%OpenId(29485840)

DEV>Write msg.Name
DEV>Write msg.GetValueAt("MSH:9")
DEV>Do msg.SetValueAt("A08","MSH:9.2")

DEV>Write msg.GetValueAt("MSH:9")
DEV>Write msg.Name

But I guess it wouldn't hurt wink

Is it possible that there's an action somewhere in the DTL that clears MSH:9?

The Name property in a message object is actually calculated from the contents of MSH:9 and is what the constraint editor evaluates. Is MSH:9 in the target message being set using some unconventional method in the Target message?

EDIT: The constraint editor uses the DocTypeName, not the Name property, as Scott points out in followup comments.

There are a number of examples at Defining and Using Stored Procedures | Using InterSystems SQL | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2021.2. The SP I wrote for fetching the message body using its object ID probably won't be much help, since it doesn't actually execute an SQL query ... it's just an ObjectScript classmethod that returns a string, and it's called for every row returned in the containing query. It's available at if you want to look at it.

I've written a query for HL7Spy's SQL Loader that extracts ACKs/NAKs from the IOLog:

Here's the SQL in text form. The method HICG.GetMsg() is an ObjectScript stored procedure written specifically for HL7Spy that returns the message body as a stream for delivery via ODBC. You could adapt the SQL for use with the %SQL.Statement class to return a result set containing the message body IDs, Next() your way through that, open each message with %OpenId() and write it out to a file. Getting just the NAKs will require a bit of message parsing.

  head.ConfigName As ConfigName,
  body.DocType As DocumentType,
  body.Name As BodyName,
  HICG.GetMsg(body.ID) As Message
  Ens_Util.IOLogObj head
  EnsLib_HL7.Message body
  head.InObjectId = body.%ID
WHERE  -- specify start and end time for search here
  head.ID >= (SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM Ens_Util.IOLogObj WHERE TimeReceived >='2022-06-01 00:00:00.000' ORDER BY TimeReceived ASC)
  AND head.ID <= (SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM Ens_Util.IOLogObj WHERE TimeReceived <='2022-06-02 00:00:00.000' ORDER BY TimeReceived DESC)
  AND head.IsInbound = 0
  AND head.InObjectClass = 'EnsLib.HL7.Message'
  AND head.ConfigName = 'To_Outbound_Operation' -- substitute operation name here

Assuming you cut and pasted from your DTL, the double-quote characters around the 2nd dash are incorrect. They appear to be the distinct open and close quote characters that Word automatically substitutes for the "standard" double-quote character:

set            tSSN                                                                  source.{PID:SSNNumberPatient}                               
set            target.{PID:SSNNumberPatient}                  $E(tSSN,1,3)_"-"_$E(tSSN,4,5)_-_$E(tSSN,6,9)

Or you could use $E()! laugh

To @John Klahn, My reason for suggesting the classmethod is that this type of thing is something that's done somewhat frequently, so having a reusable method can be a timesaver.

Alas, it does take a bit of investment in time to learn ObjectScript and Studio, but it can be very beneficial to your productivity even though you spend most of your time working on integrations through the management console.

If you create the following class in IRIS Studio, a "FormatSSN()" function will be available in the DTL editor's expression editor, and you can use it in your set rules:

Class Misc.Util.StringFunction Extends Ens.Rule.FunctionSet
ClassMethod FormatSSN(pStr As %String) As %String
   Set tStr = $ZSTRIP(pStr,"*AWP")
   Return $E(tStr,1,3)_"-"_$E(tStr,4,5)_"-"_$E(tStr,6,9)

The method strips all non-numeric characters from the value passed to it, then formats it per the SSN format. It doesn't verify that the proper number of digits are present, but that's something that can be easily added.

In a DTL action, it would look like this:

<assign value='$PIECE($ZCVT(source.{},"i","XML"),",",1)' property='target.{PV1:AdmittingDoctor(1).FamilyName}' action='set' />
<assign value='$PIECE($ZCVT(source.{},"i","XML"),",",2)' property='target.{PV1:AdmittingDoctor(1).GivenName}' action='set' />

Or a bit more efficiently:

<assign value='$ZCVT(source.{},"i","XML")' property='tFullName' action='set' />
<assign value='$PIECE(tFullName,",",1)' property='target.{PV1:AdmittingDoctor(1).FamilyName}' action='set' />
<assign value='$PIECE(tFullName,",",2)' property='target.{PV1:AdmittingDoctor(1).GivenName}' action='set' />

Note that this isn't actually replacing the comma character so much as it's splitting the full name value supplied in the source path on that character and assigning the individually extracted values to their associated HL7 components in the Admitting Doctor field.

Assuming Caché Terminal is working, you should be able to access these settings via the ^SECURITY menu.

Sign on via Terminal with an administrative account (SuperUser,  cacheusr,  _SYSTEM) using the password you provided during installation.

Change to the %SYS namespace using the command zn "%SYS"

Issue the command do ^SECURITY at the %SYS> prompt.

Choose System Parameter Setup

Choose Edit system options

Press Enter until "SSLServer connect type" displays with 3 options

Choose 1 to disable SSL (the current setting may be displayed near the end of the prompt)

Press Enter to step through the remaining prompts, and confirm changes to the security parameters.

Exit from the menu, and type h followed by Enter to exit the session.

The "file" is a bag of bytes embedded in the received email message, and represented in the %Net.MailMessagePart as a stream object (based on your example, Part.BinaryData for a binary attachment). It's up to you to take that stream object and save it as a file somewhere, which is shown by the suggested CopyFrom method and  "/path/to" string in its argument in my response above. 

Depends on how the attachment is stored by the sender. If it's a binary attachment, the file data will be represented as a stream object in Part.BinaryData. If it's text data, Part.TextData. You just need to create a %Stream object and copy Part.BinaryData (or Part.TextData) to it:

Set stream=##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
Set sc=stream.LinkToFile("/path/to/"_Part.FileName)
Do stream.CopyFrom(Part.BinaryData)
Do stream.Flush() // may not be necessary
Do stream.%Save() // ditto, but better safe than sorry ya know?

You can determine the type of data in the Part via the IsBinary boolean property ... 

You would only need to remove the repetition value from the argument passed to GetFieldNameFromNumber(); you would still continue to pass the full field index to GetValueAt(). Something like this:

set segment = msg.getSegmentByIndex(3)
Set fieldIndex = "3(2).1"
Set fieldNameIndex = ##class(User.Util.StringFunctions).ChangePattern(fieldIndex,"(\d)","()")
set fieldName = ##class(EnsLib.HL7.Schema).GetFieldNameFromNumber("2.5", segment.Name, fieldNameIndex)
set fieldValue = segment.GetValueAt(fieldIndex)

The ChangePattern method:

Class User.Util.StringFunctions Extends Ens.Util.FunctionSet
ClassMethod ChangePattern(pStr As %String, pPat As %String, pRep As %String) As %String
	Set tOut = pStr
	Do {
		Set tLoc = $LOCATE(tOut,pPat,,,tFnd)
		Set:$DATA(tFnd) tOut = $REPLACE(tOut,tFnd,pRep)
	} While tLoc '= 0
	Return tOut