ClassMethod TestObj() As %DynamicObject

        Set oM = {}
        Set mMode = ["down","up","click"]
        Set iter = mMode.%GetIterator()
        While iter.%GetNext(,.val)
            Do oM.%Set(val,{"id":"","type":""})
        Quit oM

USER> set oM = ##class(User.DynObj).TestObj()
USER> write oM.%ToJSON()
USER> zwrite
USER> zwrite oM.up.type
USER> set = "double"
USER> write
USER> write oM.%ToJSON()

This might get you closer to what you want, perhaps called from OnProcessMessage() in the service:

ClassMethod QueueGetOldest(pQueueName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) As %String
    If ##class(Ens.Queue).GetCount(pQueueName) > 0
        Set tStmt = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()                                          
        set qSC = tStmt.%PrepareClassQuery("Ens.Queue","EnumerateItem")
        Set tRS = tStmt.%Execute(pQueueName,"")                        
        Do tRS.%Next()                                                
        Set tHdrid = tRS.%Get("MessageId")
        Set tMsghdr = ##class(Ens.MessageHeader).%OpenId(tHdrid)
        Set pStatus = $$$OK
        Return tMsghdr.TimeCreated
    Set pStatus = $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Not found")
    Return ""

It returns the time created of the oldest entry in the queue, or the empty string if the queue is empty or doesn't exist.

You could create a variant that would accept a duration argument and return true/false if the duration between the current time and the time of the oldest entry exceeds that.

The tilde character ("~") has special meaning in HL7; it is normally used as the field repetition character. If it is being included in a field value as a literal character, it is often converted to an "escape sequence" so that it can be delivered to a downstream system intact rather than interpreted as a delimiter; the escape sequence for the field repetition character is \R\.

Is your intended use of the ~ character to function as a repetition delimiter, or is it actually a verbatim part of a field value?

Are you inserting these values into an EnsLib.HL7.Message object? If yes, the standard way of doing this is to first make sure the SPM field you're working with is defined as repeating in the message schema (DocType), then iterate through your list of field values to be inserted.

Assuming your message object is tMsg:

Do tMsg.SetValueAt(Modifier1,"SPM:9(1)")
Do tMsg.SetValueAt(Modifier2,"SPM:9(2)")
Do tMsg.SetValueAt(Modifier3,"SPM:9(3)")

This will automatically use the repetition separator to delimit the values in SPM field 9. Note that the path supplied for the SPM segment/field will vary based on your specific schema definition.

If it's an ObjectScript process, you would use ..SendRequestSync() or ..SendRequestAsync(), with newrequest as the request argument and the name of the downstream process or operation as the target argument. Whether you would send it asynchronously or synchronously would depend on your needs. For healthcare integration, synchronous is generally required as it maintains FIFO.

You can't modify an inbound message from a service as it will have the immutable property set; that's why you have to clone it to make changes.

What class did you use for the inbound service?

I created a small batch of HL7 messages using nothing but newlines (newline is \n ... carriage return is actually \r). I consumed that file using a service based on EnsLib.HL7.Service.FileService and they were processed correctly.

If you used one of the HL7 service classes, what did you select for Framing?

Finally, is it possible that the messages you're testing with contain an actual backslash (\) character followed by the letter 'n' separating the segments? I've seen this happen before, believe it or not ...