Hi @Eduard Lebedyuk ,

I'm working on what I expected to be a fairly simple web service that would accept a JSON payload as the body. I started with your code and instructions here, but I can't seem to get past this error:

While the class appears to be dispatched properly, It appears that the %request object has no Data property, and I'm not understanding why.

I searched for other examples of the %request object in the InterSystems-supplied classes and found no reference to the Data member, so am unsure how to proceed. Thanks in advance for your help!

You appear to be attempting to call the method from the debugger. Type Q to return to the normal Cache/IRIS prompt and try again ... let me know what happens.

Being in the debugger shouldn't be a problem unless you have the Secure Debug Shell enabled. There are a lot of things you can't do from the debugger when that's enabled, and one of them is using the SET command.

I tested the method on my own system before posting it, so I'm not sure why you're getting the error.

Did you compile the class after saving it?

Are you certain the name of the production is spelled correctly?

Are you in the proper namespace?

EDIT: I also added a tiny bit of error checking to the original method ... note the Return statement after the line Set tPrd...

Here's a method that might get you close to what you want:

ClassMethod GetHostsByAdapter(pProduction As %String, pAdapterName As %String) As %List
        Set tPrd = ##class(Ens.Config.Production).%OpenId(pProduction)
        Return:'$ISOBJECT(tPrd) "Production does not exist!"
        Set tItems = tPrd.Items
        Set tItemCnt = tItems.Count()
        Set tHostList = ""
        Set tCnt = 1
        For i=1:1:tItemCnt
            Set tItem = tItems.GetAt(i)
            If $CLASSMETHOD(tItem.ClassName,"%GetParameter","ADAPTER") = pAdapterName
                Set $LIST(tHostList,tCnt) = tItem.Name
                Set tCnt = tCnt + 1
        Return tHostList

Call it with:

Set hosts=##class(<classname>).GetHostsByAdapter("<production name>","EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter")

The variable hosts will contain the list (in $LIST form) of business hosts that have the adapter specified as the 2nd argument.

I'm posting this as a potential solution. I imagine there are smarter ways of doing this. Hoping someone will jump in and show me the way 😁

I've written a classmethod that accepts 3 arguments: the lower and upper limits of the IDs to select, along with the number of records you'll want to select:

Class Sample.Rand
ClassMethod RandList(pMin As %Integer, pMax As %Integer, pLen As %Integer = 10) As %String [ SqlName = List, SqlProc ]
        Set tList = ""
        Set tCnt = 1
        For i=1:1:pMax
            Set tNum = $R(pMax + 1)
            If tNum >= pMin
                Set $LIST(tList,tCnt) = tNum
                Set tCnt = tCnt + 1
            Quit:(tCnt > pLen)
    Return tList

The method can be called as a custom SQL function in a subquery:

SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE %Id %INLIST (SELECT Sample.List(MIN(%Id),MAX(%Id),10) FROM MyTable)

The query above will select up to 10 rows randomly from table MyTable.

Caveats: This could take a long time to run if your range from minimum to maximum %Id is large. And it's not guaranteed to return the number of rows specified as the 3rd argument (there may be deleted records, or insufficient random values generated before the upper limit for %Ids is reached). Finally, it assumes that %Id is numeric.

EDIT: And as pointed out by @Julius Kavay, @Robert Cemper has a better idea (he usually does 😉)

You should need only to iterate over the result set and populate the repetition of the PV1 field. Note that you reference PV1.7 (attending provider) in your narrative, but your code references PV1.3 (assigned patient location), so adjust the below as needed to identify the proper field:

//create a copy of the request
Set newREQ = pRequest.%ConstructClone()
//now we use the copy for manipulation
Set res=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%DynamicQueryGW:SQLGW")
Set sc=res.Prepare(sqlstring,,conn)
Set sc=res.Execute()
// create a repetition counter
Set cnt=1
While res.Next()
    Set RET = res.GetData(2)
    //Modify the segment
    //Reference the correct repetition for the current result set member
    set res = newREQ.SetValueAt(RET,"PV1:3("_cnt_")")
    //Increment the repetition counter
    Set cnt=cnt+1
Set sc=res.Close()
Set sc=conn.Disconnect()

The appropriate repetition delimiters as defined within the message schema (in this case "~") are automatically inserted.

Note that the SetValueAt() method has been modified with the assumption that you're using a consistent HL7 schema across all messages and know the correct path to the PV1 field in question. In that case the FindSegment() method should not be necessary.

ClassMethod TestObj() As %DynamicObject

        Set oM = {}
        Set mMode = ["down","up","click"]
        Set iter = mMode.%GetIterator()
        While iter.%GetNext(,.val)
            Do oM.%Set(val,{"id":"","type":""})
        Quit oM

USER> set oM = ##class(User.DynObj).TestObj()
USER> write oM.%ToJSON()
USER> zwrite oM.down.id
USER> zwrite oM.up.type
USER> set oM.click.type = "double"
USER> write oM.click.type
USER> write oM.%ToJSON()