Question Jenna Poindexter · Jan 10, 2023 How to execute a. pivot table and get results into %DeepSee.ResultSet passing. in filters Hi I have a pvot table defined. that generates a set of data. I want. to. execute the pivot table programatically which I believe involves using %DeepSee.ResultSet. Does someone have an example showing how to apply filters to the results? For. example [DateTime of Filing].[Date].[Date Filed Year] = &[2023] Thanks #Analytics #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 2 0 238
Question Jenna Poindexter · Jan 9, 2023 Using %GetDimensionMembers with filters does anyone have an example of using %DeepSee.Utils:%GetDimensionMembers where you want to apply certain filters For example I have a date dimension that I want to get all of the months level but filtering for only a specific year. Thanks #Analytics #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 2 0 172
Question Jenna Poindexter · Dec 9, 2020 Best practice for storing secured passwords in objects Hi- I have a need to store a password in an object property of a User object. What would be best practice for data type assigned to the "Password" property and securing that password against prying eyes, both just browsing the global as well as via SQL? Better yet, how can I prevent a specific property from being projected to SQL? Thanks #Object Data Model #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 774
Question Jenna Poindexter · Jul 20, 2020 Corner Secure FHIR Sandbox access from production Hi Has anyone been able to successfully connect IRIS for Health to Cerner's Secure FHIR Sandbox? Anyone have any easy instructions for getting this working? #FHIR #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 306
Question Jenna Poindexter · Jul 19, 2020 Restricting certain SOAP services by IP address Hi What would be the best way to restrict use of a set of SOAP services so that they could only be called from specific white-listed IPs? Thanks #API #SOAP #Caché 0 1 0 245
Question Jenna Poindexter · Apr 4, 2020 Where are named filters created in analyzer stored? Hi- I am trying to create a named filter in analyzer that filters for encounters that happened yesterday. The UI only allows me to select the NOW member, and not NOW-1 Where is this named filter stored, and can I edit the MDX expression to add -1 to the MDX? #Analytics #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 1 0 197
Question Jenna Poindexter · Mar 30, 2020 StreamLocation doesnt seem to affect where streams are stored Hi- I have a class that specifies that streams should be stored in SSA.DocumentCacheS, however, they are getting stored in CacheStream instead. How can I get streams to properly store in SSA.DocumentCacheS? Here's the section from my storage definition that shows the StreamLocation #Object Data Model #Caché 0 6 0 430
Question Jenna Poindexter · Mar 26, 2020 Upload binary image file using XMLHttpRequest from CSP page to IRIS for Health Hi- I am trying to create a simple example of allowing binary (tiff) files to be selected and uploaded asynchronously to an IRIS for Health back-end. I have managed to write the HTML and Javascript which works great with regular text / ascii files, but fails with binary files. When I upload a binary file (tiff) image I get garbage like this on the database server #CSP #JavaScript #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 5 0 2.7K
Question Jenna Poindexter · Feb 6, 2020 %iFind SQL Search strips cr/lf from returned "Highlighted" text Hi- I have a SQL Query using %iFind.Highlight which returns text highlighting certain words and phrases. %iFind.Highlight seems to remove cr/lf from the returned text. Here's my query ClassMethod Search(pSessionId As %String, pSearchString As %String) As %String{ set tTags="<span style='background-color:yellow;'>" &sql( SELECT %iFind.Highlight(Text , :pSearchString , , :tTags) into :results FROM SSA_OCR.TempSearchable where sessionId = :pSessionId) quit results} #iFind #InterSystems Natural Language Processing (NLP, iKnow) 0 1 0 345
Question Jenna Poindexter · Feb 5, 2020 %iFind.Highlight Hi I've been working with SQL using an iFind index to search text. Using the %iFind.Highlight function in my SELECT statement I can get text back that highlights the found words using <b> and </b> I am aware that using ##class(%iFind.Utils).Highlight, I can pass a parameter to override the <b> tag and use instead a <span> tag with style to change the background color of the found words. Is there a way to override the <b> tag from a SQL statement? Thanks #iFind #InterSystems Natural Language Processing (NLP, iKnow) 0 6 0 283
Question Jenna Poindexter · Aug 12, 2019 write # HiIs there any way to control what control sequence is sent to a device when a "write #" is executed?I have an application that establishes a banner at the top of the terminal window and when we do a "write #" the banner disappears. I need to be able to recreate the banner line as part of the screen clear.ThanksJenna #Terminal #Caché 0 3 0 377
Question Jenna Poindexter · Apr 15, 2018 Indexes in Cache Objects Hi-I have the following objectsClass A Property P1 As B Property P2 As %String Property P3 As %StringClass B Property P1 As %StringCan I create an index in Class A based on P1.P1. Basically I want an index of class A by property P1 in class BI tried creating the following but got a compile errorIndex I1 On P1.P1Thanks #Indexing #Object Data Model #Caché 0 2 0 521
Question Jenna Poindexter · Feb 13, 2018 Manipulating tablePane columns programmatically Hi-Does anyone have an example of manipulating Zen tablePane columns programmatically?Specifically, clearing out the columns and adding a new set of columns.It would be helpful if you had both a server side and client side example.Thanks #ZEN #Caché 0 2 0 527
Question Jenna Poindexter · Dec 15, 2017 Atelier client keeps breaking on Mac Hi-I have Atelier client installed on a Mac and every now and then it just stops working. Currently I am getting this error when I try to synchronize my workspace with the server.Synchronization failed: [server is broken] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Provider org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl could not be instantiated: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No generator was provided and there is no default generator registeredIs anyone else experiencing similar problems and if so, what is the work around? 0 13 0 696
Question Jenna Poindexter · Dec 4, 2017 Where can I find information about interfacing with JMS Queues Hi- I have searched through documentation, etc and see many mentions of using Ensemble / Health Connect along with the Java Gateway to interface with JMS Queues, but see no specific documentation on how to do this. Does anyone have any information, or a concise example of using the Java Gateway to allow Ensemble / Health Connect to be able to place messages and retrieve messages from a JMS Queue? Thanks #Java #Ensemble #Health Connect #HealthShare 0 2 0 827
Question Jenna Poindexter · Nov 7, 2017 Custom Schema Hi- Please excuse my rather limited knowledge of HL7. In Ensemble, I have a HL7 message that contains several Z segments. I have created a custom schema to represent the new Z segments along with the new DocType Structure and Message Structure How does Ensemble/Health Connect know which custom schema to use? I believe it has to be indicated in the MSH segment somewhere, but not sure where exactly that would be. Is the version simply updated with the new schema name or is there some other field? TIA Ken #HL7 #Ensemble #Health Connect 0 1 0 472
Question Jenna Poindexter · Nov 3, 2017 Out of sequence Z segments in HL7 Hi- I have a HL7 message ADT_A01 (Admit) that contains several Z segments, which don't necessarily all appear at the end of the document, like normal. See below... #HL7 #Ensemble 0 1 0 1.3K
Question Jenna Poindexter · Sep 30, 2017 Passing an array to a class method on a job command hi-Can someone give me an example of how to JOB a class method that requires an array of values to be passed to it by reference. This is what I tried, but am getting compile errors because of the .paramsjob ##class(%SYSTEM.OBJ.FM2Class).All(.params)::5Any thoughts on how to accomplish this, the simplest way. I would like to avoid writing all of this to some global and having to write some wrapper to pick it up and then call the class method, which I certainly could do. but is this the only way to do it? #Caché #Compiler 0 9 1 1.5K
Question Jenna Poindexter · Sep 29, 2017 Given an IP Address and Port # is there any way to verify connectivity from within Cache? Hi-I have an IP address (or hostname) and a port (in this case a super server port #) and I want to try to verify that network communications can be established between the host I'm on and the given hostname and port number of a remote server.Is there any way pragmatically to do this within Cache? #API #Caché 0 5 0 1.5K
Question Jenna Poindexter · Sep 29, 2017 Are Config.* classes backwards compatible to previous versions of the cpf format? Hi-I am running the latest version of Cache and am trying to use the Config.* classes in the %SYS namespace to be able to gather information from a cache.cpf file that was provided to me by a customer. The customer is running an older version of Cache which had a different Version number in the cpf file. Theirs is 2013.1 and mine is 2015.1. My question is, are the Config.* classes backwards compatible. Can I use a 2017.1 version of Cache to read information from cpf file from a 2014 system? #Object Data Model #Caché 0 12 0 317