Discussion Armin Gayl · May 20, 2020 Studio, Atelier or VSCode Hi,It can now be programmed with different development enviroments in Cache / Iris.The question arises which is the primary IDE Intersystems prefers when it comes to new features.We are working in a small team, should we use Atelier or VSCode in addition to Studio? What do you use, and why? #Development Environment #Studio #Caché #InterSystems IRIS #VSCode 6 28 2 1.7K
Question Armin Gayl · Apr 3, 2019 HL7 HTTP Response Charset Hello,currently we have a problem in development with the character set of the response message.We are transmitting an HL7 message with an operation based on the EnsLib.HL7.Operation.HTTPOperation class.We have changed this as follows.Set pMsgIn=$$$NULLOREF, tHttpRequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New(), tHttpRequest.WriteRawMode=1, tHttpRequest.ContentType="APPLICATION/HL7-V2; charset=UTF-8"Unfortunately, the ContentType character set is not read correctly in the response. #HL7 #Ensemble #HealthShare 0 2 0 994
Question Armin Gayl · Aug 7, 2018 Database Freespace Compact in a Task Hello, I would like to schedule the Database Compact and Freespace methods as legacy tasks. Has anyone implemented this yet?Is this even possible? The request for this is due to the fact that we have 3 interfaces in a namespace whose messages are deleted after 7 days. All other messages in this namespace should be kept for one year.This leads to a certain fragmentation. Furthermore, the messages to be deleted are relatively large (MDM^T02 > 32MB), which in turn leads to a fast growth of the database size. How would you solve this problem? #Databases #Caché 0 1 0 578
Question Armin Gayl · Mar 19, 2018 XML Rule repeating field condition Hi, how can I check repeating XML fields in a rule?I want to search a repeating sub Element fields for one or more numbers.Subelement(*) returns the counter of the elements, but I expected by a () to search all fields. Kind regards Armin #Business Rules #XML #Ensemble 0 1 0 469
Question Armin Gayl · Sep 27, 2017 Implement the Activity Monitor in a Sharepoint Page Hello, I would like to implement the Activity Monitor in a Sharepoint page. How is it possible to integrate only the Zen element?Is it necessary to develop a CSP application in which this element exists?Has anyone done this before and can I get a tip?With kind regardsArmin #Monitoring #Frontend #Caché 1 10 0 552
Question Armin Gayl · Jan 29, 2016 IIS csp as a Default Page Hi, is it possible to integrate a csp file as the default page in the IIS 7? I want reach http://localhost/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp over http://localhost/ Bill McCormick wrote in the GoogleGroup #Ensemble 1 4 0 518