Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Jul 15, 2024 Class methods vs MAC routines Hello everyone, I just want to know if there is a difference in performance between using Class methods versus MAC routines? For example: do Method^MyFunction() versus do ##class(MyFunction).Method() #Caché 0 2 0 135
Article Flávio Lúcio Na... · Mar 24, 2024 5m read How to setup 2FA authenticator for IRIS users Introduction In the modern digital age, securing applications, particularly those handling sensitive health data, is paramount. The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of such data are crucial, necessitating robust security measures. Two-factor authentication (2FA) stands out as a critical enhancement in safeguarding access, adding an extra layer of security beyond just passwords. Recognizing the significance of this feature, InterSystems provides built-in support for 2FA in its database solutions. This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of configuring two-factor authentication in your InterSystems environment, ensuring that your data remains secure and accessible only to authorized users. #Authentication #Tutorial #InterSystems IRIS 8 3 3 442
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Mar 21, 2024 Do we have any class for work with blockchains? Hello everyone,I searched but didn't find anything. Could you tell me if the IRIS database has any class that natively works with blockchains?Best Regards,Flávio #Big Data #Databases #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 137
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Jan 19, 2024 How to Create Analyses, Transformation Specifications, and Projections in FHIR SQL Builder Using Commands? Hello everyone, I am working with InterSystems IRIS and seeking guidance on how to perform specific tasks related to the FHIR SQL Builder using commands or code, rather than the graphical user interface (GUI). The specific tasks I am trying to accomplish are: #Analytics #FHIR #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 4 1 171
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Dec 21, 2023 Trouble Accessing Superuser Functions in Docker Image intersystemsdc/irishealth-ml-community:latest Hello everyone, I'm currently conducting tests using the docker image intersystemsdc/irishealth-ml-community:latest. I'm accessing the Linux terminal and attempting to utilize the superuser functions, but I'm encountering an issue with the password. Could someone assist me, please?Best Regards,Flávio #Docker #Ubuntu #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 208
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Nov 7, 2023 Creation of namespace and database using CLI Hello everyone, I am attempting to implement continuous integration using Docker with Caché 2018.1, and I am in the process of creating an image for our client. I have already installed Caché 2018.1 on the RedHat server, but I am working on a script to create the database and namespace. For the database, I used the following code: #Continuous Integration #Docker #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 330
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Nov 3, 2023 Restoring a backup using a .DAT file Good afternoon, everyone, I would like to know if it's possible to restore a backup directly from a .DAT file, or if it's only possible to restore a backup made with a .cbk file? Best regards, Flávio." #Backup #Key Question #Ensemble 0 6 0 682
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Oct 16, 2023 Issue with QR Code Generation During Two-Factor Authentication Setup Hello everyone, I am attempting to enable two-factor authentication for a user account through the System Administration > Security > Users > Edit User (Security Settings) section. However, I am encountering an error with the Qrcode class. #Authentication #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 288
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Sep 5, 2023 Troubles restoring a backup Hello everyone, I'm trying to perform a full backup using DO ^BACKUP, but the database keeps skipping the restoration. Does anyone know what I could do to allow the restoration? #Backup #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 194
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Aug 17, 2023 Transferring a database Hello guys, I want to move a development IRIS for Health database to another server. I will do this manually for specific reasons. If I simply copy the /mgr folder along with all the files (.DAT, .GBK, etc.) and configure it in the new server, will it work?Best regards. #Databases #Data Import and Export #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 262
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Mar 31, 2023 Class, Table or Global that store data from Record History of patient Hello everyone, #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 6 0 390
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Dec 5, 2022 How to transform a routine into a line to use in the terminal Hello everyone, I talked to a colleague and he said that at the other company he worked, they converted a routine into a line and used that in the terminal like a command. So, I want to know if we have this function native in Intersystems products, or maybe was a program they created, my colleague doesn't remember and this would be useful for me now. Edit: Example of function: #InterSystems IRIS 0 9 0 370
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Sep 22, 2022 Problems selecting language when installing HealthShare Hello guys, I'm trying to install HealthShare on a virtual machine. The original language of this virtual machine was Russian, unfortunately I don't speak Russian hehehehe.So I changed the original language to English, but when I installed HealthShare the portal was in English, but the terminal was in Russian and during installation it doesn't show me any option to select the language. #HealthShare 0 2 0 184
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Jan 12, 2022 See all properties from a %Net.HttpRequest Hello everyone, I want to see all properties from a %Net.HttpRequest, I tried to use: zw objHttpRequest It's show all the properties, but I want something more easy to analyse like a curl command, is it possible? Thanks. #REST API #Caché 0 2 0 315
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Oct 19, 2021 What is the best terminal to use with Caché/Iris? Hello everyone, I would like to know what is the best terminal emulator in your opinion? I am using MobaXTerm, but i'm having some difficulties with the charset configuration. Best Regards. #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 0 6 0 467
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Oct 15, 2021 How to export class to xml without namespace Hello everybody, I am trying to export a class to xml and remove the tag "xmlns" from mother class. These are my classes to create the XML. #XML #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 541
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Oct 11, 2021 Every time we use the command "job" a new license is consumed? We have in our company a task that use many times a job command, and we receive this message "<LICENSE ALLOCATION EXCEEDED>". I thought that a new license is consumed only when we acess with another IP address the database. Can anyone explain this to me? #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 0 4 0 275
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Aug 18, 2021 How convert a String to HTML Entity Codes? Good morning everybody, In Html sometimes we need to use entities code for don't have problems with browsers all over the world. Ex. 'á' is converted to code: 'á' / 'é' is converted to 'é'. I have a question, how can i convert a string like my name to this type of code? Ex. "Flávio" will be "Flávio". I tried this way: #Caché 0 10 0 889
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Jun 25, 2021 PDF with Password Hello Everyone, I have a question, someone know how to put a password in a pdf file? Or in a pdf base64? Best regards, Flávio. #Caché 0 4 0 360
Question Flávio Lúcio Na... · Jun 22, 2021 How verify if a attribute exists in a object? I create a object. SET nlsoref=##class(%SYS.NLS.Locale).%New() So I want to verify if the attribute 'test' exists in the object, I tryied use $data write $data(nlsoref.test) But show this message: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST> *test,%SYS.NLS.Locale Someone can help? Best regards, Flávio. #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 0 7 0 1.8K