· Oct 15, 2021

How to export class to xml without namespace

Hello everybody,


I am trying to export a class to xml and remove the tag "xmlns" from mother class. These are my classes to create the XML.

Class Class.Test Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)

Parameter NAMESPACE = ""; 
Property Person As Class.Person; Property Address As Class.Address; 

Class Class.Person Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)

Parameter NAMESPACE = ""; 
Property name As %String; Property age As %String; 

Class Class.Address Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)

Parameter NAMESPACE = ""; 
Property location As %String; 


That is my function to export the XML.

set writer=##class(%XML.Writer).%New()
set writer.Indent=1
set writer.Charset="ISO-8859-1"
set status=writer.OutputToString()
set status=writer.RootObject(objectTest)
set xml=writer.GetXMLString()

This is the xml that was generated:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<Test xmlns="">
    <location>New York NY 10036</location>

When i delete the Parameter NAMESPACE from Class.Test this happens with my xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <Person xmlns:s01="">
  <ResultadoCultura xmlns:s01="">
    <s01:location>New York NY 10036</s01:location>

Someone can help me? I want to create this XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <location>New York NY 10036</location>

Best Regards.

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