go to post John Murray · Sep 15, 2017 Following up one of Ben's points, if you're using a shared DEV namespace you can use a server-side source code management tool such as our Deltanji. This also gives you the option of using Atelier and Studio side-by-side, which is handy if you have a team of developers who may need to migrate to Atelier at different speeds, or if you deal with code components that Atelier doesn't yet handle satisfactorily. Also, Deltanji handles the migration of code from one environment to another (e.g. DEV -> TEST -> PROD). Using a client-side source control provider such as Git you'll need to put some other tooling in place to handle that.
go to post John Murray · Sep 15, 2017 Ideally the responses by Jenny Ames and [@Matt Spielman] would have been posted in the "Your Answer" area of DC rather that using the "Add new comment" link. That way the OP, [@Conor Browne], could accept one of the answers by clicking on the grey checkmark at the top of the answer to turn it green. Doing this helps with DC housekeeping by removing the question from the "unanswered" list.If Jenny and/or Matthew were to re-post their responses using the "Your Answer" field then Conor will be able to credit one of them with answering his question. Even them posting "See my answer in comments above" would be sufficient to give Conor somewhere to set a checkmark.Alternatively Conor could either accept my answer (though it's not actually answering his question), or he could post an answer of his own, then accept it.
go to post John Murray · Sep 15, 2017 The setting Robert describes dictates how the "Management Portal" option from your System Tray "cube" (officially, the Caché Launcher) attempts its connection. It has no effect on which ports our local Caché server instance listens on.See more doc here.
go to post John Murray · Sep 15, 2017 Interesting post Maks, but what's the purpose of the image you begin it with?
go to post John Murray · Sep 15, 2017 John, you don't mention it explicitly, but it seems likely that your Cache is running on Windows, and you have enabled the %Service_Telnet service so that your users connect to Cache from a telnet client (which could be Cache Terminal).In that case, [@Robert.Cemper]'s answer to this post should help you. And if it does, please credit him by setting the checkmark / tick / hook alongside it.
go to post John Murray · Sep 15, 2017 I can't help you with your question, but as a DC Moderator I'd like to check whether you saw this comment from me regarding tagging. You'll increase your chances of getting a response if you tag more appropriately. Please don't use the "Developer Community FAQ" tag for this kind of post.
go to post John Murray · Sep 13, 2017 [@Soufiane Amroun], please re-tag your post. Remove the "Developer Community FAQ" tag, which should only be used for FAQ-like postings about how the Developer Community platform operates. Then by adding a tag (or several) that better indicates what your question is about you might get an answer from the Community sooner.Thanks.John Murray (one of the volunteer DC Moderators)
go to post John Murray · Sep 12, 2017 (Moderator note: I have removed the broken link originally posted on the phrase "Associative Semiotic Hypergraph Engine")
go to post John Murray · Sep 11, 2017 Soufiane, please don't use the "Developer Community FAQ" tag for this sort of post. There are better ones available, and using them may get your post seen faster by people willing to help.As OP you have the power to edit your post and change its tags.
go to post John Murray · Sep 11, 2017 I agree with Eduard's recommendation. Avoid direct manipulation of the class dictionary storage structures, which is likely to give you pain in the future.Unless you're hoping for a "better" answer, please set the big checkmark on the left of the title of Eduard's answer.
go to post John Murray · Sep 11, 2017 Specifically, since you are trying to connect to port 23 on your local Windows machine you will need the Telnet service enabled. It's called %Service_Telnet.Assuming you end up satisfied with Robert's answer, please remember to be a good DC citizen by setting the big checkmark alongside the header of his answer. Only you as OP can do this.
go to post John Murray · Sep 11, 2017 Rob, I have added the "Global Summit 2017" tag to your post (I'm a DC mod) in the hope it'll get seen sooner by those who can give you the answer. It's 5.30am here in Palm Desert, and the keynotes are scheduled to start at 9.
go to post John Murray · Sep 7, 2017 Ben, how about raising a request to get this into the product documentation?
go to post John Murray · Sep 5, 2017 Maybe display the unchecked marks to the OP using a jazzy animation. Make it irritating enough and perhaps they'll get around to accepting an answer just to calm their screen down
go to post John Murray · Sep 5, 2017 Alongside the "ANSWER" header, look for a checkmark that you can click. This screenshot highlights where:
go to post John Murray · Sep 4, 2017 Michael, please consider setting the checkmark alongside the Eduard's answer. Doing this will mean DC can show your question as "answered". It also gives Eduard credit for helping you.
go to post John Murray · Sep 1, 2017 Assuming you're using Studio, look at the View menu where there's an option called "View Other Code". This will open the generated INT if it is available. If it isn't, look on your Build menu and pick "Compile With Options". In the dialog that appears, set the checkbox named "Keep generated source code". Then click OK. After compilation finishes, try "View Other Code" (there's also usually a toolbar button for this).
go to post John Murray · Sep 1, 2017 What does your $$$AssertEquals macro do?Both that macro and your WriteCapture classmethod get turned into INT code at some point, and you can view this from Studio if you make sure class compilation preserves INT. Maybe if you post the relevant INT fragments here someone will be able to spot why the presence of $$$AssertEquals is breaking things.