Another recommendation (for all types of post, not just questions) is to try and make the "teaser" portion of the body useful.

The teaser is the first part of the body, the part that displays under the title on the list of posts that appear on the home page, for example. Sometimes the DC software doesn't make the best job of deciding how much of the body to put into the teaser. For example:


You can help by using this button on the editor to insert the "teaser break" into your text:

The "Preview" button next to the "Save" one is a handy way of checking if a teaser break might be needed. Or, go back to your post and edit it afterwards.

Another reason to limit your reliance on the webserver that InterSystems ship and install is that it will only receive security patches when you apply a maintenance update to your Cache/Ensemble/HealthShare instance. In comparison, you can (and should) take responsibility for keeping a standalone instance of webserver software (e.g. IIS, Apache) up to date with security fixes.