@maxime keltsma 

You can traverse the entire global with a loop and $Order function.

A simple routine to traverse your global can be:

    Set ^DataTest = 3
    Set ^DataTest(1) = $lb("","1329","JMMK-G1D6")
    Set ^DataTest(2) = $lb("","1516","AMEV-GVPF")
    Set ^DataTest(3) = $lb("","2333","4QC6-4HW3")
    Set key = ""
    // Print the header filds
    Write "Reference", $Char(9), "Code"	, !	
        // first parameter is global and key, 
        // second parameter opredr to travers globa. 1 = ascending subscript order (the default) or –1 = descending
        // third is target that receives the value if the key is defined
        Set key = $Order(^DataTest(key),  1, data)
        If (key = "")
            Quit // Exit for loop
        Set reference = $ListGet(data, 2)
        Set code = $ListGet(data, 3)
        Write reference, $Char(9), code, !

Output o execution:

> Do Teste^Teste
> Reference Code
> 1329 JMMK-G1D6
> 1516 AMEV-GVPF
> 2333 4QC6-4HW3

See Using Globals Object Script Tutorial , $Order Function for more examples e details.

Hello Adrian,

I think the problem is that you are concatenate a String with a Stream?

"DOC^Application^PDF^Base64^" _ target.{PIDgrpgrp(1).ORCgrp(1).OBXgrp(1).OBX:ObservationValue(1)}

You need to create a new Stream, call method write of the new Stream with the value "DOC^Application^PDF^Base64", after append the old Stream to the new one.

Hi John the diference between the operators &, && are


And (& or &&)

And tests whether both its operands have a truth value of TRUE (1). If both operands are TRUE (that is, have nonzero values when evaluated numerically), ObjectScript produces a value of TRUE (1). Otherwise, ObjectScript produces a value of FALSE (0).

There are two forms to And:

  • The & operator evaluates both operands and returns a value of FALSE (0) if either operand evaluates to a value of zero. Otherwise it returns a value of TRUE (1).
  • The && operator evaluates the left operand and returns a value of FALSE (0) if it evaluates to a value of zero. Only if the left operand is nonzero does the && operator then evaluate the right operand. It returns a value of FALSE (0) if the right operand evaluates to a value of zero. Otherwise it returns a value of TRUE (1).

The following examples evaluate two nonzero-valued operands as TRUE and produces a value of TRUE (1).

Try to eclousere all expression in parentehsis:

                HL7.{ORCgrp(1).ORC:OrderControl} IN "NW,CA"
                HL7.{PIDgrp.PV1grp.PV1:AssignedPatientLocation(1).Facility.NamespaceID} NotIn "105,205"
                HL7.{ORCgrp(1).OBRuniongrp.OBRunion.OBR:UniversalServiceIdentifier.Identifier} NotIn "CATH01,EP22"

The operator & in Business Rule e Editor is string concatenation operator. Take care.


Hi @Christine Nyamu 

Use $Piece function to get the value of a delimited string. In you specific case:

Set value = $Piece(obxValue, "<>", 2)

I assumed that the variable obxValue was set before in the code.

Note if the in the obx segment the value change the order like, "TESTED POSITIVE FOR ANEMIA<>BLOOD WORK WAS DONE<>TESTED NEGATIVE FOR HEPATITIS", the above sample code will fail

@Humza Arshad 

You can create a REST API/ SOAP API, or any other kind of protocol/technology, to get authentication, retrieve and send data to IRIS.

See the documentation: 



These other two link are two Open Exchange apllication to create Rest Services and Form UI.



Search in the Leraning Portal for some course that help you.

Best Regards.