go to post Vic Sun · Jun 26 Can you explain what section of the portal you are looking at? Do you mean interoperability system default settings?
go to post Vic Sun · May 6 Hi Cristiano, it is not recommended to use transparent huge pages: https://docs.intersystems.com/irisforhealth20241/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=ARES#ARES_memory_plan_pages_linux
go to post Vic Sun · Apr 17 Failing somebody who has run into this before, I would suggest opening a WRC ticket so somebody from InterSystems can look at the relevant code and see what (if anything) can be done to avoid this behavior. Once you get that reply I'm sure there would be no problem sharing with the class here 😉
go to post Vic Sun · Feb 16 Hi Scott, just to double check that this setting is per namespace. If that isn't working, I'd suggest opening a WRC case.
go to post Vic Sun · Feb 15 I'm guessing you're running into this limitation "The ObjectScript method used by DTL transformations, GetValueAt, truncates HL7 segment fields at 3.6MB." Docs cover how to work around this. https://docs.intersystems.com/irisforhealth20233/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EHL72_transformation#EHL72_transformation_longsegments
go to post Vic Sun · Jan 4 Hello Abhishek, Please see the following course on HL7 > FHIR. https://learning.intersystems.com/course/view.php?id=1744
go to post Vic Sun · Dec 14, 2023 Hi Scott, I would suggest using the %SYS.LDAP APIs to test each method individually or the LDAP test configuration page which will show additional logging. https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20233/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=ROARS_iam_ldap#ROARS_iam_ldap_unixapicertdebug
go to post Vic Sun · Nov 13, 2023 Hi Wayne, Please try scrolling to the right. If it still doesn't work I'd contact InterSystems support to see what the issue is. There may be a network security issue preventing parts of the web page from loading.
go to post Vic Sun · Oct 19, 2023 For posterity, the solution WRC proposed was to implement a CreateRS method allowing for the sort order to be modified by changing the SQL query.
go to post Vic Sun · Sep 15, 2023 To piggyback off this, the initial way to run IRIS under a certain user is to use setserviceusername: https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20232/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GSA_using_windows#GSA_using_windows_nonadminperm_change As far as I know you can then update the credentials from services as suggested above, but you may want to keep in mind using setserviceusername if you run into other credentials / Windows permission style issues.
go to post Vic Sun · Aug 17, 2023 No, that will not work. I'd suggest following the server migration guide. https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20232/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=AMIG
go to post Vic Sun · Aug 16, 2023 Agreed with Alex. If you're seeing inexplicable issues when you think the data should be arriving correctly, I'd suggest looking at a network trace to get the details on how data is coming across.
go to post Vic Sun · Jul 26, 2023 Documentation shows that Java 8 and 11 are supported. https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=ISP_technologies#ISP_ejb 11 support was added briefly before Java 17 LTS was released (early 2021 I believe), but it seems InterSystems' Java support has not been updated in the past 2 years. This is something we are working on, however I don't know when that change might be released.
go to post Vic Sun · Jul 18, 2023 The garbage collector is somewhat an internal process which is why I believe it is sparsely documented. I'd echo Dmitry that understanding your concern would help. I think what is documented generally covers a high level understanding - that being that there is a GARCOL process. And that blocks are marked freed after a large kill by this process, to be freed in the background.
go to post Vic Sun · Jul 6, 2023 https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20231/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls?LIBRARY=%25SYS&CLASSNAME=Config.config#locksiz If you look at the locksiz class reference, it is described as "An upper bound on the amount of shared memory heap (see gmheap) that is allowed to be consumed by the lock table as a result of application-level locks."
go to post Vic Sun · Jul 6, 2023 Locksiz is only allocated as needed from gmheap, so if gmheap is used up you could be unable to take out further locks.
go to post Vic Sun · Jul 6, 2023 "Deadlock" is too broad to describe any possibility that could cause the instance to hang. I would recommend reaching out to the WRC/support when that occurs so they can analyze the system with you. FWIW the first place I would look would be the messages.log which would point to next investigative steps. Alexander's IRIShung suggestion is also a good one.
go to post Vic Sun · Jun 22, 2023 Reach out to the WRC for this, they can help you reset the global that defines the search criteria.