go to post Vic Sun · Sep 5, 2019 Try using the errlog parameter, something like:w $SYSTEM.OBJ.CompileAll(,.err)https://irisdocs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20191/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls?PAGE=CLASS&LIBRARY=%25SYS&CLASSNAME=%25SYSTEM.OBJ#METHOD_CompileAllThen you can pull the errors from the err variable and put it into a file however you want, for example using %Library.File.https://irisdocs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20191/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls?PAGE=CLASS&LIBRARY=%25SYS&CLASSNAME=%25Library.FileHope that helps!
go to post Vic Sun · Sep 5, 2019 Hello Scott,Thank you for clarifying. HealthShare Health Connect 2019.1 is built with IRIS so it will not accept a Caché online backup. A CACHE.DAT file can be renamed to IRIS.DAT to be used by IRIS which is documented in the IRIS adoption guide.
go to post Vic Sun · Sep 5, 2019 https://community.intersystems.com/post/health-connect-version-20191-releasedYou need to be on HealthShare core 15.03 or later to take advantage of the in-place conversion for HealthShare Health Connect. I believe HealthShare Health Connect built with Caché 2015.2.2 is not a new enough HealthShare core version.Outside of that, it may be possible to manually convert to InterSystems IRIS but I presume that would be more effort than going through two supported upgrades.
go to post Vic Sun · Sep 5, 2019 Hello Scott,I'm not sure of the full background and context of your upgrade process so I would definitely recommend running this by your sales team, who might refer you to the WRC.A normal Caché based HealthShare to Caché based HealthShare upgrade won't affect your user databases so why do you need to restore backups at all? What kind of databases are you concerned about? Through your upgrade process won't the databases be preserved and converted as necessary? You can then compile after the conversion.Have you reviewed the IRIS adoption document available on the WRC distributions page, and have you received a copy of the Health Connect conversion guide from the WRC or your sales team?
go to post Vic Sun · Sep 5, 2019 Hello Reinhard,Using Sample.Person I just did a quick test and switching the order of the where clauses did not effect either performance or the query plan.Some people design or generate very complex SQL queries so I'm not certain if this holds true in all cases (though I agree I would expect it to - if not it may be worth reporting to InterSystems!). If you are interested in comparing performance and query plans this is pretty easy to do from the System Explorer > SQL page in the system management portal.Hope that helps!
go to post Vic Sun · Aug 27, 2019 Hi Scott,I'm not aware of an easy way to access the older HealthShare or Health Connect documentation. If you need those docs it might be a bit of extra effort but you can install a kit with the version you want to review and access the docs that way.If you're specifically looking for an online solution then I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you.
go to post Vic Sun · Aug 27, 2019 What version of Caché are you attempting to install? Windows 10 began being supported with Caché 2016.1.Given that there was an incomplete install I would recommend uninstalling Caché, restarting, and then trying a fresh install.
go to post Vic Sun · Aug 26, 2019 For posterity:On a minimal security install unauthenticated access is the only authentication method enabled for most services. We document the risk of modifying roles for UnknownUser (used for unauthenticated access) and cover some other security considerations here:https://cedocs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GCAS_tightenIf you end up in a situation where your security settings no longer allow you to access Caché, you can use emergency startup mode as documented to log into Caché and fix your settings:https://cedocs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GCAS_secmgmt#GCAS_secmgmt_emergMuch appreciation to my colleague Jon who walked through these steps with Joshua.
go to post Vic Sun · Jul 31, 2019 Hello Zdeněk,The answer to your question probably depends on the specifics of what you are trying to do and what your constraints are. Is there any consideration to combining the two installer manifests into one? In your previous post you mention an unattended install, so I assume this is related to the .cmd file you are attempting to create. I wasn't aware that an unattended install could run multiple manifests; is that possible or are you running the second manifest manually?You could use conditional <If> tags in the installation manifest if you wanted to perform some verification. You could use <Invoke> to run whatever method you want to confirm that your first manifest was carried out. For example, you could write and import a simple method that leverages $SYSTEM.OBJ.GetClassList to check that your classes exist. If your method isn't able to run that would also be evidence that the first manifest did not succeed.https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls?PAGE=CLASS&LIBRARY=%25SYS&CLASSNAME=%25SYSTEM.OBJ#METHOD_GetClassList%SYS.Namespace.Exists would confirm whether a namespace exists.https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=ITECHREF_namespaceAlternatively, you could use the <Log> functionality of the installer manifest and then read the log.Hope that gives you some ideas! I did see that Dan Kutac replied to one of your other posts - it seems like he is working with you on your manifest so I think he would be able to help you with this.https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GCI_manifest
go to post Vic Sun · Jul 26, 2019 For reference, the documentation on that command can be found at the bottom of this page:https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GCI_windows_nonadminperm
go to post Vic Sun · Jul 19, 2019 This does not count toward $storage!https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=RCOS_vstorage"The $STORAGE value is not affected by setting process-private variables, global variables, or special variables. "
go to post Vic Sun · Jun 27, 2019 I would caution against using the management portal to rebuild indices on a live system. Please see the word of warning from the documentation you linked:https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GSQLOPT_indices#GSQLOPT_indices_build_smp"Do not rebuild indices while the table’s data is being accessed by other users. To rebuild indices on an active system, see below."Further along on the page you can find more information about safe index rebuilding practices on a live system. I would recommend sticking to %SYS.Maint.Bitmap as that is safe to run on an active system.
go to post Vic Sun · Jun 26, 2019 Hello Stephen,That documentation you linked to put you on the right track! If you click on the %SYS.Maint.Bitmap link it will take you to the class reference which contains some examples of how to run the bitmap cleanup:https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls?PAGE=CLASS&LIBRARY=%25SYS&CLASSNAME=%25SYS.Maint.Bitmapeg.d ##class(%SYS.Maint.Bitmap).Namespace("Samples",1,1,"2014-01-17 09:00:00")d ##class(%SYS.Maint.Bitmap).OneClass("BitMap.Test",1,1)This utility was only added to the product around version 2015, I believe. It should run automatically as part of an Ensemble message purge. If you need to perform this maintenance on an older version, rebuilding the index can be done though this is a more involved process, especially on a live system.If needed, you can reach out to the WRC who can provide a utility that performs a similar function to %SYS.Maint.Bitmap for older versions.Hope that helps!
go to post Vic Sun · Mar 29, 2019 If you see an error message in brackets, this documentation would be a good place to look to find out what it means:https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=RERR_system<FILEFULL> can indicate issues with the actual disk filling up, but you can also run into it if you have configured and reached a maximum database size.You can check that setting in the management portal at System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Local Databases, or you can use the ^DATABASE utility as documented here:https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GCAS_chui-mgmt#GCAS_chui-mgmt_database
go to post Vic Sun · Mar 27, 2019 Hello Rueben,Please review your Caché user permissions. I suspect you may be running into an issue with the secure debug shell as documented here:https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GCAS_secmgmt_secureshellI hope that is helpful to you but if you are still troubleshooting I would recommend reaching out to the WRC to investigate.