Hi, Community!

We want to introduce tag Tips & tricks.

It's not a snippet sometimes, but some small piece of best practice and useful experience.

Please vote if you think it makes sense and we need this tag and we'll introduce it as the first level tag in taxonomy.

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Here is the question in Russian Forum regarding roots extracting.

In Caché ObjectScript we use exponentiation operator (**) to raise an exponent to power. F.e. let's raise 3 to power of 3:

USER> write 3**3 


And we use the same operator to extract the root.

USER> write 27**(1/3) 


And 2.999999999999999963 is not 3, obviously.

How to extract roots properly in Caché ObjectScript?

0 5
0 388


In every Atelier project you can find following hidden files:





Should I include all of them into commit?

I understand that .project is mandatory. But what about the rest? Is there any general rule?

F.e. if we work in team and everybody has their own connection on locale machine .connection should not be included. Yes?

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