Was able to install with Brew:

$ brew install caretdev/tap/irissqlcli

AEMBP14ESHVAROV:~ eshvarov$ irissqlcli -h localhost -p 1972 -u _SYSTEM -W

Password for _SYSTEM: 

Server:  InterSystems IRIS Version 2022.2.0.368 xDBC Protocol Version 65

Version: 0.4.0


select 1


| HostVar_1 |


| 1         |


1 row in set

Time: 0.044s


Thank you @Dmitry Maslennikov 

You can use InterSystems Package Manager(IPM) to list all the members of production and distribute it to another machine (e.g. your client) via the IPM registry, or using zpmhub.

E.g. you can install several EnsDemo productions as one package:

USER>zpm "install irishealth-ensdemo"

Or recently I published an example of a very simple CSV data transformation production that you can install as one line:

USER>zpm "install esh-i14y-csv"

And here is how all the modules of production depicted in a module.xml.

Hi @王喆 👀!

Message key query has the online demo bonus in place.

But on the IPM(ZPM) - you need to publish the app IPM module to make it available. See the documentation:


Also, please follow the naming convention for ObjectScript classes and IPM modules.