There was a new release of intersystemsdc vanilla images.

Now you can use ENV variables to start IRIS with user, pass and namespace created.

E.g.  here is how to start:

docker run --rm --name iris-sql -d -p 9091:1972 -p 9092:52773  -e IRIS_PASSWORD=demo -e IRIS_USERNAME=demo intersystemsdc/iris-community

Here is how to connect via irissqlcli:

irissqlcli iris://demo:demo@localhost:9091/USER

Often we need to clean-up IRIS and start from a clear page with empty database. Docker containers could be an ideal option for that.

 Start IRIS in docker container locally:

docker run --rm --name iris-sql -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/iris-community -a "iris session iris -U%SYS '##class(Security.Users).UnExpireUserPasswords(\"*\")'"

And connect via irissqlcli:

irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM:SYS@localhost:9091/USER

You can connect also via other SQL tools.

Use the approach only for development purposes.

Finally, one command to run iris in docker:

docker run --rm --name iris-sql -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/iris-community -a "iris session iris -U%SYS '##class(Security.Users).UnExpireUserPasswords(\"*\")'"

And another command to open sql terminal:

irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM:SYS@localhost:9091/USER

Thanks to @Robert Cemper  and @Dmitry Maslennikov 


Finally, here is how run iris docker container and use in SQL after that:

docker run --name iris-sql -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/iris-community


docker exec -t iris-sql iris session iris -U %SYS '##class(Security.Users).UnExpireUserPasswords("*")'

And SQL connections now work!

$ irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM:SYS@localhost:9091/USER

Server:  InterSystems IRIS Version 2022.3.0.606 xDBC Protocol Version 65

Version: 0.5.1

[SQL]_SYSTEM@localhost:USER> select $zversion


| Expression_1                                                                                            |


| IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for ARM64 Containers) 2022.3 (Build 606U) Mon Jan 30 2023 09:07:49 EST |


1 row in set

Time: 0.047s

Thanks to @Robert Cemper and @Dmitry Maslennikov  

Hi Jude! If you could introduce the content of pdf in the body of the article that'd be much better.

For those who wants PDF we have PDF export option. 

But for your readers it is much easier to work with the article to read it directly here and be able to quote the parts in it in comments,  and etc. It is even easier for you if you want to edit/update something in it.