Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Using Python with InterSystems IRIS @ Global Summit 2022

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

The Data Architecture that Leaves You Glueless @ Global Summit 2022

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Check out this short demo on the InterSystems Developer YouTube channel showing how the new Production Component Driver can be used for Source Control of Interoperability Productions.

The driver enables highly granular management of interoperability productions with tight integration into the InterSystems IRIS management portal.

Using Deltanji for Source Control of Interoperability Productions

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Semantic Interoperability at Healthix: Using Managed Terminology within HealthShare @ Global Summit 2022

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Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn how InterSystems has been building out capabilities to support current and future regulations in the US market that can have a significant impact on payers and providers:

How InterSystems Supports the CMS & ONC Regulations as well as Prior Authorization @ Global Summit 2022

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Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn how InterSystems IRIS users are deploying Embedded Python to speed their application development:

Embedded Python Use Cases @ Global Summit 2022

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to get a brief overview of the near- and long-term plans for HealthShare containerization and Kubernetes adoption, as well as a preview/demo of our current progress.

The Future of HealthShare in the Cloud: Containers/ Kubernetes @ Global Summit 2022

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Hello DC Members,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Ten Times Faster Queries with Columnar Storage @ Global Summit 2022

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Hey Developers!

Watch this video to get a brief overview of the InterSystems API Manager (IAM) and a deeper dive into new features of IAM 2.3 and 2.8:

API Management with InterSystems IRIS @ Global Summit 2022

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Hi Community,

In this video, you will learn about exciting new ways to perform analytics using data in your HL7® FHIR® repository:

InterSystems IRIS FHIR SQL Builder: Sneak Peek @ Global Summit 2022

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Hi Community,

Watch the recording of the Second Community Roundtable: "What is the best source control system for development with InterSystems IRIS?"

Some great discussions have been started during this roundtable. We invite you to continue these discussions. in the comments to this post.

Tell us, which source control you use and why – in the comments to this post.

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Getting To Know FHIR - The Best Explanation of FHIR They've Ever Heard @ Global Summit 2022

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Reporting & Business Intelligence: What's New? @ Global Summit 2022

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Hi Community,

In this video, you will learn how our financial services customers are using InterSystems IRIS to connect to a range of internal and external systems and sources to deliver a 360-degree view of a business and accelerate digital transformation initiatives:

What's New in Financial Services @ Global Summit 2022

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Hey DC Members!

In this video, you will learn about new features in InterSystems HealthShare Provider Directory and what's coming next for curating and sharing provider information as a data asset:

HealthShare Provider Directory & Patient Index: New & Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022

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Hi Community,

In this video you will learn about new features in InterSystems Healthshare Clinical Viewer and what's coming next:

Clinical Viewer & Navigation Application: New & Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022

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Hey Community,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Using the DTL Editor in InterSystems IRIS to Transform X12 Messages

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Hey DC Members!

Get an overview of the new and enhanced capabilities of the language SDKs:

Language SDKs: New & Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022

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Hey Developers,

Meet the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Configuring VS Code Workspaces for Multiple ObjectScript Connections

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Hey Developers,

Join us to review the latest additions to Health Insight and future product plans for analytics in HealthShare:

Health Insight New and Next @ Global Summit 2022

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Hey Community,

Join us to have a look back at recent developments in care planning and coordination and a look forward at what is on the horizon:

Unified Care Record: New & Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Analytics with InterSystems New and Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022

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Hey Community,

Don't miss the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Working with ObjectScript Classes in VS Code for Client Side Editing

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Hey Community,

In this demonstration you will see the building blocks of an integration in InterSystems IRIS for Health and HealthShare and see how messages are received, processed, and sent—including messages in the HL7 format:

Overview of Basic Components for InterSystems Integration Solutions

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Hey Community,

This demonstration shows how complex data message flows are handled within a healthcare integration solution. See how to use a business process to receive and transmit messages between applications:

Message Flow in an Integration Solution

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· Sep 4, 2022
Getting to know FHIR

Hello Developers!

To start our "Back to school on FHIR with DC FR" we propose you to watch this short video about FHIR:

The Future of Care Begins with InterSystems and FHIR

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