Hey Developers,

Meet the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Creating Complex Decision Logic with InterSystems IRIS

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Hi Community,

We're super excited to share with you a special session from Global Summit 2022! And it is so special to us because it is about us and with us! Please welcome:

🤩 InterSystems Developer Ecosystem @ Global Summit 2022 🤩

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Hey Developers,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Using the Business Process Designer in InterSystems IRIS

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Hey Community,

In this video, you will learn how to use the Data Transformation Wizard in the Management Portal of InterSystems IRIS® data platform to convert messages to other formats:

Transforming Healthcare Messages in InterSystems Integrations

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Hey Developers,

Don't miss this hands-on session hosted by @Don Woodlock, Vice President of InterSystems Healthcare:

Machine Learning 201 - Neural Networks and Image Recognition

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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

What is Embedded Python

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Hey Community,

See how data integration features in InterSystems IRIS data platform enable you to easily connect your systems, processes, and people:

Integration Features of InterSystems IRIS

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Hey Community,

Here is a digest of the Developer Community videos on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel in July 2022:

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Hi Community!

We’re so glad to announce that InterSystems FHIR startup incubator — Caelestinus held its first virtual Demo Day on June 29th!

16 startups have showed off their products and solutions built with InterSystems FHIR Server, or IRIS for Health or Health Connect to an audience of about 15 investors & partners.

The Demo Day is the result of a four-month journey — the equator of the incubator, in which startups have explored InterSystems tech, validated their ideas and presented it on the first Demo Day. In case you missed it, enjoy watching it on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

📣 The First Demo Day of InterSystems FHIR Startup Incubator — Caelestinus

Here is the list of presenters with pitch decks of the startups.

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Hey Developers,

Learn the basics of HL7® V2 message management in InterSystems IRIS for Health™:

Introduction to HL7 V2 Integrations in InterSystems IRIS for Health

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Hey Developers,

Develop a Java application that connects to InterSystems IRIS® data platform relationally, natively, or with objects:

Using Java to Connect to InterSystems IRIS

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Multi Model Capabilities of InterSystems IRIS

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Hey Community,

Learn how you can develop a Node.js application and connect to InterSystems IRIS data platform through the Native API:

Using Node js to connect to InterSystems IRIS

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Hello guys!

The Global Summit 2022 in Seattle ended just over a week ago but keynotes are already available for those who missed them while being on the premises or who couldn't attend this in-person event at all for some reason or another (or just for those who wish to refresh their memory and listen to them again).

Without further ado, the beginning of the Global Summit AKA the Greetings from the Community:

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Enjoy watching all the keynotes from all three days of Global Summit 2022 via this YouTube playlist:

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Hey Developers,

See how you can develop a .NET application and connect to InterSystems IRIS® data platform using one or more APIs:

Using NET to Connect to InterSystems IRIS

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Hey Developers,

Join us for a discussion guide of current operational tasks to reduce storage and an overview of new features coming in InterSystems HealthShare 2021.2, including stream, database, and journal compression abilities:

InterSystems HealthShare Storage Footprint Reduction

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Hey Community,

In this webinar, we’ll discuss how you can now easily integrate Apache Kafka within InterSystems IRIS data platform, including via interoperability productions and programmatically via API calls, as both a producer as well as a consumer of Apache Kafka messages:

InterSystems IRIS Tech Talk: Kafka

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· Jun 18, 2022
[Video] Saving on Storage

Hey Community,

Check out the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Saving on Storage

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Hey Community,

Common tools for meeting the challenges of testing large-scale solutions deployed in the cloud:

Using Automated Testing to Build Reliable, Large-Scale API Server in the Cloud

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Hey Developers,

Learn about the changes we've made to InterSystems IRIS Containers, including security updates and the new web gateway container:

InterSystems IRIS Container Updates

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Hey Community,

Don't miss the latest videos on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

IntegratedML Update from the Field

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Hey Developers,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

InterSystems HealthShare Analytics Solution: Create & Deliver Real-Time Insight at Scale

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Hey Community,

Exciting results from a massive workload to test InterSystems API. We'll describe how we're trying to push the boundaries of the current technology in the public cloud:

Running Large-Scale Rest API in the Cloud

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Hey Developers,

Join us as we share lessons learned from standing up the initial InterSystems cloud offerings. We'll cover the challenges of standing up a SaaS and how to meet them:

Running InterSystems IRIS Workloads in the Cloud: Lessons Learned

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Hey Community,

Learn how to transform your healthcare data into HL7 FHIR and seamlessly convert and populate Amazon HealthLake with InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service:

InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service

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Hi Community,

New session recording from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Performing Analytics on FHIR Data

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Hey Developers,

Create a relational schema from your FHIR repository for building analytics and decision support:

Introduction to the FHIR Schema Generator

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Hey Community,

Check out the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Drinking Our Own Champagne: InterSystems AppServices' Move from Zen Reports to InterSystems Reports

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