· Jan 23, 2024

[Video] OAuth 2.0 Fundamentals

Hi Developers,

Watch this video to learn the different roles in OAuth 2.0, scopes, tokens, important authentication flows/grant types, and more:

⏯ OAuth 2.0 Fundamentals @ Global Summit 2023
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🗣  Presenter: @Jon Sue-Ho, Security Engineer, InterSystems  

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Discussion (4)2
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Hi! Thank you for this presentation. Is it possible to get the second part as well?

Global Summit 2023 OAuth 2.0 in Practice with InterSystems Products June 7 2:30PM - 3:15PM Jonathan Sue-Ho Pravin Barton

Also, any best practices for creating Intersystems Iris integrations with the Microsoft Graph Api that requires Oauth2 authorization would be much appreciated