Created by Daniel Kutac, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

Part 3. Appendix

InterSystems IRIS OAUTH classes explained

In the previous part of our series we have learned about configuring InterSystems IRIS to act as an OAUTH client as well as authorization and authentication server (by means of OpenID Connect). In this final part of our series we are going to describe classes implementing InterSystems IRIS OAuth 2.0 framework. We will also discuss use cases for selected methods of API classes.

The API classes implementing OAuth 2.0 can be separated into three different groups according to their purpose. All classes are implemented in %SYS namespace. Some of them are public (via % package), some not and should not be called by developers directly.

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I am using OAuth2 Cache framework, acting as a client to an authorization server. My setup is based on this excellent previous post [Caché Open Authorization Framework (OAuth 2.0) implementation – part 1].

I'm facing ‘Authorization Server Error: Error Processing Response - No match between server name '' and SSL certificate values…’

It looks like I should set SSLCheckServerIdentity to false but I can’t figure out how. Has anyone had the same issue?

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Is this available anywhere (for Health Connect)? I've found a few presentations but they are aimed at entry level.

We're looking at supporting more and more FHIR, REST plus OAuth interfaces in future. I've built some of this into older versions of HealthShare and Ensemble but it's desirable to move to supported versions.

We would be using Healthshare as a facade to other systems.

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