· May 20, 2017 10m read
Localization in Caché DBMS

This is a translation of the following article. Thanks @Evgeny Shvarov for the help in translation.

Let's assume that you wrote a program that shows "Hello World!", for example:

  write "Hello, World!"

The program works and everyone is happy.

With time, however, your program becomes more complex, gets more features and you eventually need to show the same string in different languages. Moreover you don't know the number and names of these languages.

The spoiler below contains a description of how the task of multi-language localization is solved in Caché.

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Caché Localization Manager

CLM is a tool for localization/internationalization/adding multi-language support to a project based on InterSystems Caché.

Imagine that you have a ready project where all the content is in Russian, and you need to add an English localization to it. You wrap all your strings into resources, translate them into English and call the necessary resource for Russian or English when necessary. Nothing tricky, if you think about it. But what if there are lots of strings and there are mistakes in Russian (or English)? What if you need to localize in more than one language – say, ten? This is exactly the kind of project where you should use CLM. It will help you localize the entire content of your project into the necessary language and retain the possibility to correct entries.

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