When analyzing data, there is often a need to look at specific indicators more thoroughly and to highlight sections of information of particular interest to a user.

For instance, examining the data dynamics for specific regions or dates can help us uncover some hidden trends and patterns that will allow us to make an informed decision about our project in the future.

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In this article, we will analyze the intricacies of setting up tables and graphs to improve the readability of data.

Logi offers a rich set of data visualization tools. You can find anything from a wide variety of chart templates to custom CSS styles. Understanding the assortment of settings and options can be quite difficult. First, we will create a chart and a table with default settings, and give them a presentable look using InterSystems Reports (powered by Logi Report).

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In this article, we will explore the use of parameters, formulas and labels in Logi Report Designer (formerly Logi JReport Designer). What are they for and how to create them?

Using the basic functionality of InterSystems Reports Designer, parameters, formulas and labels, you can significantly improve the detail and information content of the generated report. In addition, these tools allow you to automate some of the processes, which greatly speeds up and facilitates the creation of reports.

Let's analyze each tool separately now.

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We are looking at what we need to do to migrate from our current usage of Zen reports to InterSystems Reports. One of the hurdles for us is figuring out ways to interact with InterSystems reports programmatically from ObjectScript routines. There is a Java API for it, but it is possible to generate a report from InterSystems reports to a stream object in ObjectScript without diving into Java by using a %Net.HttpRequest. Here is a code example, followed by an explanation:

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· Nov 15, 2022 6m read
How to develop in Logi

Today we will talk about InterSystems Reports. This is a BI system that provides you with tools to create static reports and export them to different file formats. We will see how it works using the DC Analytics public analytical sample as an example. In this article, we will examine how to familiarize yourself with the reports available in the repository, how to make a new report based on a ready-made data structure, and how to prepare a data structure from scratch.

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· Sep 9, 2022 1m read
DC Analytics Open Application

InterSystems Developer Community analytics. Project made with InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee), Power BI and Logi Report Designer to visualize and analyze members, articles, questions, answers, views and other pieces of content and activity on InterSystems Developer Community.

You can see your own activity, articles and questions. Track how your contribution changes developer community.

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One of our apps uses a class query to support a ZEN Report and works just fine in that report, producing the expected results every time. We’ve since migrated to InterSystems Reports and noticed that, for a report using the same class query, 100s of extra rows with the same column values appear at its bottom.

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