If both fields are numeric and the result of subtraction of field1-field2 is positive, only then put the result is a data field.

I am doing this within an Iris DTL.

I don't find any functions like IsNumeric(). Once I get that, I can test if field1>0 and field2>0, do the subtraction, and test if diff>0.

I just need a function to determine if they are numeric, rather than some cumbersome way like a regex where the only characters are 0-9.

I see functions in documentation but don't see them used at tests, only in WRITE statements.


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First of all: thanks for your help, and thank you for your time.

Thanks for your time.

We have the following situation:

We are in a BPL, and we have defined 4 <call> asynchronous as follows:

First one name: "Enviar a Proceso NEGRIN"

The second one, named as: "Enviar a Proceso HUNSC"

0 9
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Hello Experts ,

Could you help to search message details based on MRN in intersytems iris.

We have created 100+ interfaces and currenly in live (interystems cloud) . Now I try to search message details based on MRN using below query. it is working fine in DEV. but in prod it is taking ages.

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I'm trying to create a custom IRIS4Health docker container utilizing CPF Merge but getting an error below. The merge file has been copied to the container within the docker file. Anybody know what would cause this error?

ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c iris start IRIS && iris merge IRIS mergefile.cpf" did not complete successfully: exit code: 133

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json file failing in conversion to SDA

  • DO^zToQuickXML+11^HS.SDA3.NVPair.1 +2
  • DO^zToQuickXML+34^HS.SDA3.CustomObject.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+8^HS.Local.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.HealthCareFacilityExtension.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+28^HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.HealthCareFacility.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+6^HS.SDA3.Location.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+12^HS.Local.SDA3.ProcedureExtension.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+29^HS.SDA3.Procedure.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+155^HS.SDA3.Container.1 +1
  • $$^zToQuickXMLStream+5^HS.SDA3.QuickXML.1 +1
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We have a scenario where we use the best practice article of a BP and DTL to split up HL7 messages mainly ORUS


It is really useful but we have this code in many places that we are trying to consolidate it in one place.

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