
I was just trying to get to the bottom of a TLS config - we have an interface with a TLS config that has had 'Server certificate verification' set to 'On', however the cert file specified either did not exist or contained a cert that was expired.

Does anyone know what the behavior is for this typically? I would expect this to not allow traffic on the interface, however this has been working fine for a few years now with an invalid cert specified for 'Server certificate verification' and set to 'On'.

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Our 3M Computer Assisted Coding system goes down on a regular basis for updates, the Applications folks like us to Disable the Business Operations when this happens and start them back up when they page the on-call person. The Business Operations have to be started in a sequence to guarantee that all the ADT being sent it processed before we start sending everything else.

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how to convert from json into sda container and then to fhir bundle resource. What are the out of the box DTL transformation class for this. Source would be my json that includes a few resources and targer should be a SDA container than will again be source to another transformation for which the target will be FHIR bundle. What I want to know is the target HS. 1for both SDA container and FHIR bundle. Thanks!

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