Hey Developers!

This week is a voting week for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest!

So, it's time to give your vote to the best AI- and ML-enabled solution on InterSystems IRIS!

🔥 You decide: VOTING IS HERE 🔥

How to vote? This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts Nomination or in Community Nomination.

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Hey Developers,

New "Coding Talk" video was specially recorded by @Yuri Marx for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest:

SAPPHIRE - AutoML UI to InterSystems IntegratedML

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @Zhong.Li for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest:

IntegratedML-Template Demo

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Hi Community!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube and learn more about IntegratedML feature:

IntegratedML: Predicting Readmissions

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to join the upcoming InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Data Science, ML & Analytics on April 21st at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this first installment of InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talks, we put the spotlight on data science, machine learning (ML), and analytics. InterSystems IntegratedMLTM brings automated machine learning to SQL developers. We'll show you how this technology supports feature engineering and chooses the most appropriate ML model for your data, all from the comfort of a SQL interface. We'll also talk about what's new in our open analytics offerings. Finally, we'll share some big news about InterSystems Reports, our "pixel-perfect" reporting option. See how you can now generate beautiful reports and export to PDF, Excel, or HTML.

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Hi Community!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube and learn about IntegratedML feature:

What is IntegratedML in InterSystems IRIS?

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It's true! QuinielaML has incorporated the most important leagues in Europe (and Brazil) into its prediction service, so, dear members of the Developer Community, wherever you are from, you will be able to have the predictions of your favorite leagues at your disposal.

From the predictions screen you will have access to each of the new leagues included, being able to record the matches for each journey:

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Hi Developers,

Watch this video to see how you can use IntegratedML time-aware modeling in InterSystems IRIS to make predictions for data values based on historical trends, and how this differs from traditional IntegratedML modeling:

How to Predict Time Series Data with IntegratedML

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Welcome dear members of the Community to the presentation and first article of a small project that will demonstrate the capabilities of InterSystems IRIS to provide full backup functionality for a web application developed in Angular. This article will be limited to presenting the concept as well as the InterSystems IRIS functionalities used in a general way, going into more detail in subsequent articles.

Welcome to QuinielaML!

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Prediction of server configuration for entry

The platform server entry configuration prediction application connects to Iris in Java and uses its Integrated ML technology to analyze data such as hospital outpatient volume, number of services, number of messages, and message save time. It can predict the server configuration required for the hospital entry platform before the hospital integration platform enters, providing convenience for customers.

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Kidney Disease can be discovered from some parameters well known to the medical community. In this way, in order to help the medical community and computerized systems, especially AI, the scientist Akshay Singh published a very useful dataset for training ML algorithms in the detection/prediction of kidney disease. This publication can be found on the largest and best known data repository for ML, Kaggle at https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/akshayksingh/kidney-disease-dataset.

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Machine Learning with IntegratedML & Data Robot

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Getting Started with IntegratedML

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Keywords: IRIS, IntegratedML, Machine Learning, Covid-19, Kaggle


Recently I noticed a Kaggle dataset for the prediction of whether a Covid-19 patient will be admitted to ICU. It is a spreadsheet of 1925 encounter records of 231 columns of vital signs and observations, with the last column of "ICU" being 1 for Yes or 0 for No. The task is to predict whether a patient will be admitted to ICU based on known data.

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @José Pereira for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest:

Monitoring your ML model with IntegratedML

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @Renato Banzai for the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest:

IRIS ML Suite Demo

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A few months ago, I read this interesting article from MIT Technology Review, explaing how COVID-19 pandemic are issuing challenges to IT teams worldwide regarding their machine learning (ML) systems.

Such article inspire me to think about how to deal with performance issues after a ML model was deployed.

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Hi Community!

We are pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems AI Programming Contest Kick-Off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest.

On this webinar, we will talk and demo how to use IntegratedML and PythonGateway to build AI solutions using InterSystems IRIS.

Date & Time: Monday, June 29 — 11:00 AM EDT

🗣 @Thomas Dyar, Product Specialist - Machine Learning, InterSystems
🗣 @Eduard Lebedyuk, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

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Hi developers!

We are starting InterSystems AI Programming Contest next week, and according to the rules, you can include some technology IRIS Features into your solutions, which will give you extra points in the voting.

Here are the technology bonuses for InterSystems AI Programming Contest!

1. IntegratedML usage - 2 expert vote points

IntegratedML is a new technology Introduced in InterSystems IRIS which you can use with InterSystems IRIS 2020.2 Advanced Analytics Preview release. IntegratedML:

  • Gives users the ability to create, train, and deploy powerful models from simple SQL syntax without requiring data scientists.
  • Wraps "best of breed" open source and proprietary "AutoML" frameworks including DataRobot.
  • Focuses on easy deployment to IRIS, so you can easily add machine learning to your applications.

Learn more in IntegratedML Resource Guide.

You can use with IntegratedML template.

2. Python Gateway usage - 1 expert vote point

Python Gateway is an addon to InterSystems IRIS which gives you the way to use Python in InterSystems IRIS environment:

  • Execute arbitrary Python code.
  • Seamlessly transfer data from InterSystems IRIS into Python.
  • Build intelligent Interoperability business processes with Python Interoperability Adapter.
  • Save, examine, modify and restore Python context from InterSystems IRIS.

Learn more about Python Gateway.

You can use the Python Gateway template, which includes IntegratedML too.

3. Docker container - 1 expert vote point

The application gets a 'Docker container' bonus if it uses InterSystems IRIS running in a docker container.

Both templates, IntegratedML template and Python Gateway template use docker so you can collect this bonus if you build your solution using these templates.

Or you can use any other Docker-based templates, published on Open Exchange.

Feel free to ask any questions about using the listed technologies.

Good luck in the competition!

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You may have seen earlier this week that we launched a brand-new learning podcast called Data Points! There are three episodes released, one of which was a really interesting discussion with Thomas Dyar — a product specialist here at InterSystems focused on machine learning. Take a listen and reach out if you're interested in exploring more about IntegratedML!

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Hi all,

Some days ago, I've seen a youtuber talking about how to create a neural network (sorry, is in spanish)

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Hi Community

This document mainly enriches the content of the previous article and introduces the use of the application.

Perhaps you have already read the previous article, but I still want to say,
After completing the initialization operation (including model creation and training), the Fhir HepatitisC Predict application then predicts HepatitisC

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