· Jan 25, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test

I am pleased to announce the field test of Caché and Ensemble 2016.2 - an exciting new release with improvements on many different fronts.

The entire product team at InterSystems looks forward to your participation in the field test and feedback over the coming months.

Some of the more profound changes in 2016.2 include:

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I am pleased to announce the field test of Caché and Ensemble 2016.3 - with many new improvements.

The product team at InterSystems looks forward to your participation in the field test and feedback over the coming months.

Some of the more signification changes in 2016.3 are new RESTful APIs for iKnow and broader APIs for programmatic control of multiple servers (enterprise manager). As always, there are a host of scalability and performance improvements, including improvements to the core database and SQL. And hundreds of smaller improvements and corrections.

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· May 27, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.665.0

Steve Glassman is on vacation today so in his place I wanted to announce the availability of a new kit for the 2016.2 Field Test. The kit details are: 2016.2.0.665.0

There is a wide range of changes to the 2016.2 Field Test, 145 of them in total. You can find a complete listing here:

Bill McCormick

Director of Product Management

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Do to unforseen circumstances the Atelier build that was distributed with the Cache 2016.2 field test had certain incompatibilites which prevented it's effective use with the server that it was bundled with.

We are working on remediating this regretable situation and will provide a compatible Atelier in the 2016.2 field test refresh which is scheduled for today Monday, 1st of Februrary.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience so caused.

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· Apr 8, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.632.0

I am pleased to announce the next 2016.2 field test kit, 2016.2.0.632.0.

Since I haven’t sent an update to this thread in a while it should come as no surprise that there have been quite a few changes since I wrote about build 609. In fact, there have been over 175 changes in 50 different areas, with the majority of changes in:

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· Mar 9, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.609.0

I am pleased to announce the next 2016.2 field test kit, 2016.2.0.609.0.

This is a relatively light update with only a few dozen changes from the previous field test, spread out across all areas of the product. Also, in a break from the recent past, this update doesn’t contain any new fixes to problems found in the field.

Please download the kit and give it a try; the latest field test of 2016.2 is available HERE. And, as always, we welcome your feedback.

Steve Glassman, Director of QD

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· Jun 24, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.677.0

I am pleased to announce the next 2016.2 field test kit, 2016.2.0.677.0.

I haven’t sent an update to this thread in a while and it should come as no surprise that there has been quite a lot of development going on since I wrote about build 632. In fact, there have been almost 300 changes covering most areas of the product.

The accumulated list of fixes to problems found in the field since build 632 includes the following changes:

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· May 27, 2016 1m read
2016.3 Field Test Kit 2016.3.0.628.0

Steve Glassman is on vacation today so in his place I wanted to announce the availability of a new kit for the 2016.3 Field Test. The kit details are: 2016.3.0.628.0

Most of the changes are related to DeepSee, DocDB data models and dynamic objects. You can find a complete listing here:

Bill McCormick

Director of Product Management

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· Feb 3, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.585.0

I am pleased to announce the next in the series of 2016.2 field test kits, 2016.2.0.585.0.

In the two weeks since the last field test posting Development has made over a hundred fixes and improvements in Atelier, Enterprise Manager, Ensemble and Caché.

In Atelier alone there were over a dozen changes including a fix for the incompatibility issue that Jamie Newton described in his posting of February 1.

In Caché major areas of focus include:

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