· Oct 19, 2016
topic vs tag?

When I create a post, it requires I select Related Topics.

On the right side there is browse by tag.

Are Topics = Tags?

If so can the DC admin please be consistent with the naming convention? Pick one and correct all the instances

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I just tried to read all the Answers and Comments for a post of mine.

Some were 5, 8, 3, etc. days ago and others were just hours ago.

They all seem jumbled up.

If I wanted to read the Answers and Comments in some sort of chronological order, I would be lost.

I don't understand the reasoning on whether somethings is an Answer and others are comments.

But would it be possible to have the option when reading all the follow-ons to re-sort them in some sort of order?

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Is is possible to reorder the comments so we see new comments at the top? At the moment its very hard to find a new comments since the order of the comments is always from oldest to newest, if you comment on the first comment then your comment will be at the top while making a new comment on the post will be at the bottom. Also marking new posts with a different background color or highlighting them would be convenient.

This would be very handy for posts that are getting more comments than can fit on one page or just posts with more comments in general.

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· Mar 4, 2016
Login mechanism is broken.

When I am looking at a certain article and then decide to comment, but realized I'm not logged in, I hit the login button. However, it then redirects me back to the front page and not back to the article I was looking at. This should be fixed.


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I noticed the system displays an age for each post.

Can it display the actual creation timedate stamp instead?

(Maybe this is a display option set on an individual account setting?)

Can we add the timedate stamp of the last edit so it is clear that the post was changed?

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Hi everyone!

I’m the new InterSystems Community Manager and responsible for everything within the InterSystems Developer Community itself including Community Events, Content and Projects etc.

Please feel free to point all the criticism to me along with suggestions of course!

Our team is working now on fixing some evident and annoying UI problems to make this place comfortable for all the InterSystems customers and new developers to discuss InterSystems related problems, questions, techology and projects.

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When you click on the My Content icon in the navigation bar you see a page with tabs, two of which are "My Content" and the other is "My Collaborations". The formatting of this content is not very good and is inconsistent between the two.


1. How many of you are using these pages?

2. What are you using them for?

3. What information do you expect to see here?

4. How can we improve this?

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After the March 15th DC update I posted one Question (as opposed to Article). I've been used to getting notified by email no more than an hour after someone responds to a post of mine. In the case of my question, I think I only got that email when someone posted a Comment on the question. When I went to read that comment I saw that there were several Answers that had been posted many hours earlier.

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While comment content appears to be sent in subscription emails, new posts do not. E.g.:


| Greetings, Benjamin Spead.

| Your subscriptions on InterSystems Developer Community notify you of

| the following changes since the previous digest:

===================================================== 1 of 1 (new)

| Author: Benjamin DeBoe

| Title: How to increase the timeout for ZEN refreshContents() ?

| Tags: Web Development, ZEN


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I think DC would be a great area to get feedback from current or future users of our technology about what new features they would like to see in our products and let them vote the different proposals. Open discussions/suggestions with no commitment on IS side to be done but sure there would be lot of good ideas to consider by our product managers and development.

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· May 11, 2018
Google Groups

Hi Evgeny/Anastasia

I spent some time just clicking around and found the old google groups discussion groups
These are clearly dated and the place is here

However it's not clear to users that they should post here rather than on the google groups

Mai I suggest that a big banner link is added to re-direct the user to ask their question here rather than there


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