Hi Developers,

We have exciting news! The new InterSystems online programming contest dedicated to all things health-related will start very soon!

🏆 InterSystems FHIR and Digital Health Interoperability Contest 🏆

Duration: January 15 - February 4, 2024

Prize pool: $14,000

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Hi Community,

Thank you for participating in our recent mini-contest! We received many great ideas, and we hope you enjoyed the process.

The mastermind of the winning concept will receive 5,000 points, while the astute "investors" in said concept will receive 200 points each.

The Winning Concept: Senior people loneliness

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· Nov 27, 2023 4m read
What about DMN?

A few months ago, I faced a significant challenge: streamlining the handling of business logic in our application. My goal was to extract the business logic from the code and hand it over to analysts. Dealing with a multitude of rules could easily result in a code littered with countless "if" statements, especially if the coder lacked an understanding of cyclomatic complexity. Such code becomes a source of pain for those working with it—difficult to write, test, and develop.

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Hi Developers!

Here are the technology bonuses for the InterSystems FHIR and Digital Health Interoperability Programming Contest that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • InterSystems FHIR usage - 3
  • InterSystems FHIR SQL Builder usage - 3
  • Digital Health Interoperability - 4
  • LLM AI or LangChain usage: Chat GPT, Bard and others - 3
  • Embedded Python - 2
  • IRIS For Health Instruqt Survey - 2
  • Docker container usage - 2
  • IPM Package deployment - 2
  • Online Demo - 2
  • Implement InterSystems Community Idea - 4
  • Find a bug in InterSystems FHIR server - 2
  • Find a bug in InterSystems Interoperability - 2
  • New First Article on Developer Community - 2
  • New Second Article on Developer Community - 1
  • First Time Contribution - 3
  • Video on YouTube - 3

See the details below.<--break->

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Attention all developers!

Get ready to revolutionize your testing process with iris-tripleSlash, the ultimate unit test solution.

Say goodbye to boring and repetitive unit testing and hello to effortless and efficient testing.

With iris-tripleSlash, you can easily generate unit test cases using the power of automatic documentation.

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Hello developers!

We are holding the first technical article contest on Japan's InterSystems Developer Community!

The first contest is a technical document writing contest, and you can submit any content related to the InterSystems IRIS/InterSystems IRIS for Health. (The article must be in Japanese.)

✍ InterSystems Japan Technical Document Writing Contest: Articles related to IRIS ✍

🎁 Participation prize: There will be a participation prize for everyone who submits an article for the contest.

🏆 Special prize: Authors of three selected works will receive special prizes.

Entering the contest is easy! Please post an article related to IRIS on the developer community during the period from Wednesday, September 6, 2023 to Monday, November 6, 2023.

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Hi Developers!

We are pleased to announce the launch of the
🏆 2nd Tech Article Contest on Chinese Developer Community🏆

From September 19 to November 24, 2023 (Beijing Time), we welcome you to contribute articles related to InterSystems technology.

🎁 Prize for Everyone: A special prize pack for each author who takes part in the contest.

🏆 Main Prizes: Apple AirPods Pro; Osprey Proxima Backpack; Home Office Pro Lap Desk; Sound Machine with Wireless Charger; JBL Pulse 5 Bluetooth Speaker; Sound Machine with Wireless Charger; Hammock InterSystems; Light Up Your Logo Charging Pad; InterSystems Developer Community Blanket

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