Hello, good morning

First thank you for your time in reading and answering our question.

We have been reading, inquiring, researching about how to make multiple dispatches from 1 Process of type "DICOM.BP.QueryProcess" to several target Operations.

We need some help to further develop this use case, and some advice 🧭, examples or recommendations

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Good morning,

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer this question.

We need to find out how to display an EnsLib.DICOM.Document using LOGINFO, in the traces.

We have tried to use:

set writer=##class(%XML.Writer).%New()

set status=writer.OutputToString()

set status=writer.RootObject(..DocumentFromService)

set xml= writer.GetXMLString()

$$$LOGINFO("..DocumentFromService en xml: "_xml)
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0 155

Good morning,

First of all, thank you very much in advance for reading and responding.

Also, thank you for any support, because it is a relief, support, contribution, help to have people with more understanding, knowledge and practice, reading, and thinking this doubt.

There is the following need:

Two 2 circuits are available:

1st DICOM Circuit of "Studio" ( Classic Service ).

Service: class: DICOM.BS.QueryService

Process: class: DICOM.BP.QueryProcess

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Good morning,

We would appreciate your support:

Developing an integration to perform a "Query / Retrieve" circuit with DICOM medical imaging studies, we would need the following:

Options of invocation of the DICOM TCP service that has been published for this integration, alternatives to the command line option.

Specifically we have read: Receive DICOM document with an embedded PDF and metadata.

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First of all thanks for your help and time

We would need to find inside PID:3 which one meets the following condition:

PID 3.4.1 = "CAC" and PID 3.5 = "JHN"

We have been investigating how could we do it

We have achieved to get single fields in a call request as follows:



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I'm experiencing a recurrent problem that I haven't found the way to solve, so I'm coming here with the hope somebody can give me a new approach.

To make it short: we are creating categories on-demand to be able to place the maximum numbers of workers in memory, avoiding the limits established by system categories. But from time to time, one of this creation fails and system is no able to start the queue. The error we are getting is:

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0 269

Hey everyone as you may know I am a beginner and I am kindly asking for some assistance in a problem I have been solving. The problem is that I am calling a user defined function within a procedure called occupiedseatsAdj and the compiler comes up with this error.

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· Aug 5, 2021
Convert hexadecimal to base64

Hello, first of all thanks for your time reading our question 💭

We would need to be able to transform a hexadecimal string to a base64 coded one. 🔄

To be specific, our use case is this:

1º We have our hexadecimal as follows:


2º We convert it to ASCII:


using this online tool:

0 5
0 1.6K
· Jul 27, 2021
How To Pass Custom Class

I've created a custom class that extends to the standard HS.Message.PatientSearchRequest. Inside the custom class i just want to pass the data as input only.

But i am getting ERROR #6277: Type attribute, s01:AcoPatientSearchRequest, does not specify valid type for XML input tag: pRequest (ending at line 5 character 171)

I tried adding Parameter XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG = 1; and

0 8
0 589

Hi all, I am new to IS Objectscript and I would appreciate some assistance regarding this.

I am trying to find out how to count the number of elements within a dynamic abstract object and I am having some trouble using the size method.

Here is the code below:

The key value pairs are originally in JSON and I would have converted it in to an object for use.

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0 342


First of all thank you for your time reading our topic

We would need some help from experienced people

We have a SOAP Service with more than 10 methods

Our aim is to include all classes being used by this SOAP Service, in a Studio project

The challenge is that there are plenty Data classes (which extends from (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor))

▶️ Is there a recommended way to include all project's classes in a Studio project?

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0 195

Hello everyone,

I have a question, I am trying to use xecute command, but something wrong happen when i was using the command, and i don't know why hahahaha.

I created a file .mac with this code:

label(test) public{
       set routine="variable"
       set call="write routine,!"
       xecute call

But when i run the command, show me this message error:

<UNDEFINED>label+3^tstFJR3 *routine

After that i changed the code to:

0 4
0 245

I have a requirement to update the Ensemble Host Settings Programmatically. Mainly the "AlertOnError,QueueCountAlert,QueueWaitAlert,InactivityTimeout" settings.

I used Ens_Config.Item (persistent) class to get the settings (list object) and then update it. But for some of the Business Host's, I dont see the above settings in the table, but present in Settings of that particular Host in Ensemble Management Portal. So my logic is not working.

1 11
0 632

Hi Team,

I have a requirement to delete the Ensemble interfaces , as per User request. I would like to write a routine for that and once I execute, it should remove the interface components through code.
Could you please provide code samples for the following actions ?

  • Deleting an individual rule from a rule class
  • Deleting a class from Ensemble
  • Deleting a Host (Service/Operation/Process) from the Production.

Appreciate the help.



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· Apr 20, 2021
Change DefaultPort Ensemble


First of all thanks for your time reading this question,

We would need some help,

The challenge is that our Ensemble does not start.

If we Launch Ensebmle we see:

When we open: C:\InterSystems\HealthShare_2\mgr\cconsole.log

We read:

0 3
0 188
· Apr 15, 2021
Return ACK from Process


We would need some help, please

First of all thanks for your time used reading this question

Also, thanks for your patience

We need to generate an ACK in a Process and return it to the Service to reply

We have currently written a code block with:

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0 488

FIrst of all thank you for your time in reading this question and writing a response,

We would need some help,

-> Our objective is to control which method is being used in the service: GET POST PUT

We have tried to understand the example REST Service: Demo.REST.DirectoryService

After that we have tried to create our own custom rest service,

please take a few minutes to examine the following code:

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0 392


First of all thanks for your time to read and reply,

We would need some help,

We have an ORM_O01 which has a NTE.3 with a Line Feed

Our Process converts the XML to ER7 using the ITB as follows:

set context.mensajeHL7 = ##class(ITB.HL7.Util.Convert).XMLToER7(hl7,.tSC,"2.5")

When we show the ER7 we observe:

INTE|1||Psa libre\X0A\ Indice psa

We have thought about the following solution, where mensajeXML is the XML representation of the ER7 shown:

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0 430

Hello everyone,

I have an issue with using "Open" function.

My goal is to execute a shell script with parameters like as:

/trak/FRXX/config/shells/transportIDE.sh "login|password|NOMUSUEL|PRENOM|NOMDENAISSANCE|1234567891320|199999999999999999999999|09%2099%2099%2099%2099|31%2F12%2F1999|242%20IMPASSE%20DES%20MACHINCHOOOOOOOOSE%20||99999|SAINT%20BIDULETRUC%20DE%20MACHINCHOSE|isc%24jhu|123456|123456798"" 2>&1"

But when some parameters are too long, I have a <NAMEADD> error.

0 4
0 354


We would need some help,

Our aim is to send an image as binary data using a REST Service

Currently we do the following:

1 We get from the external system a binary image in our REST Operation

2 We encode it to Base64

set linea=""
    while (tResponse.Data.AtEnd = 0) {
        set linea = linea_$system.Encryption.Base64Encode(tResponse.Data.Read(57))

3 We send it to the Process in a Response Message:

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