· Oct 5, 2018
New to Caché

Can anyone tell me where to find good resources to learn Caché besides InterSystems. I am looking foe material (ie books, white paper, exercises, ect). There does not seem to be a lot of information on Caché.

Thank you for all of your help


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· Sep 7, 2018
Returning to Cache'

Ive been asked to investigate Intersystems Cache' for a new software initiative and was hoping to be able to download a limited-use or dev license to kick the tires but I need it for a couple of specific OS builds. AIX and Linux (CENTOS). I don't see a place to download specific versions, other than Windows, various builds of Unix and that's about it. Can someone give me some guidance on how to make sure I'm downloading the right item to build some test instances with?

thank you in advance :)


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· Jan 2, 2018

Hi I am new using atelier and i want to use some of the InterSystems server for me to train so is there any server connections that i can use. Please help me on this.

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· Feb 11, 2018
Deep see Learning

I tried to learn DEEP SEE Analytics for our HealthShare "SAMPLES" Name Space. I followed our documentation and tried it. But my management portal analyzer and visual reporting fields are hidden. So Please help me for how do I use the deep see concepts and provide some examples or demo.

Thanks ,

Ponnumani G.

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0 210

Hello ,

I want the datagrid to reflect values based on the value i select in the Combobox. How to pass value from the combobox to the

altJSONSQLProvider parameter and reload the datagrid ?

My combobox defines below method on change.


<altJSONSQLProvider id="PatchClassJsonId" OnGetSQL="GetSQL" >
<parameter paramName="1" value="C"/>




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