Episode 17 of Data Points features a roundtable conversation with Carmen Logue, Benjamin De Boe, and Thomas Dyar about the Analytics & AI area of the InterSystems technology stack. Learn from these product experts about the various technologies and partnerships that exist within the Analytics & AI space at InterSystems, how some customers use these tools, and what might be coming in the future.

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Hey Community,

Don't miss the latest videos on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

IntegratedML Update from the Field

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Hi, Community!

What components and libraries can you add to your retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) applications? Find out in this video:

Identifying Useful Components for Your Generative AI Application

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Hi, Community!

Want to dive deeper into the concepts of vector searches and embeddings? Learn from an InterSystems expert:

What Are Embeddings?

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Hi Community!

Two more new videos are already on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

1. Machine Learning - How it Works - Part 1

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2. Machine Learning - How it Works - Part 2

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Hi Community!

Need an introduction to Generative AI? Learning Services is excited to announce the first video in a new series about GenAI basics:

🧐 What Is Generative AI?

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Hi Everyone!

New video, recorded by @Benjamin De Boe, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Scaling Fluidly with InterSystems IRIS

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Hi Community!

New video "Choosing a Shard Key" is available now on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

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Hi Developers,

New to machine learning? Watch this video on InterSystems Developers YouTube to understand the basic concepts of machine learning and how it provides value in applications around the world today:

What is Machine Learning?

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Hi, Community!

Do you think Generative AI can make your life easier? See some potential use cases for GenAI in the latest video from Learning Services:

Generative AI in Use

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Hi Community!

New session recording from Global Summit 2018 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

An Outlook on Scaling Out

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Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems IRIS AI contest that will give you extra points in the voting.

IntegratedML usage - 4 points

Use InterSystems IntegratedML in you AI/ML solution. Here is the template that uses it.

Be sure that the IRIS version is not less than 2021. The latest ML images with ZPM are:


R Gateway and Python gateway usage - 4 points

InterSystems IRIS 2021 release contains two new features - R gateway and Python gateway. Here is the template on how to use the R gateway. Here is a short demo of how to use it.

Embedded Python usage - 4 points

Embedded Python is a very new feature of InterSystems IRIS that gives you the option to use python as a "first-class citizen" in backend business logic development with InterSystems classes. Short demo of Embedded Python.

Embedded python could be used in "on-demand" images that could be delivered via InterSystems Early Access Program (EAP) if you refer to python-interest@intersystems.com.

Here is the template package on how to use Embedded Python deployable with ZPM. Don't forget to change the image to the one you get from the Early Access program.

PMML usage - 4 points

PMML - Predictive Modelling Markup Language - can be used to build AI/ML solutions with InterSystems IRIS. Check with documentation.

There is an example in Open Exchange on how to use PMML.

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Getting Sharded with InterSystems IRIS

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Hey Community,

Click play and immerse yourself in our fresh video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Adaptive Analytics in Action - Two Customer Use Cases @ Global Summit 2023

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Hi Developers!

Here in Developers Community, we have posts, which are categorized by tags. Tags - are specific topics, which relate to InterSystems products, InterSystems services, or any concept related to software development, deployment, or maintenance etc.

Tag is a helpful thing because it gives the option to follow/subscribe to the tag, filter the search by the tag, understand how popular or not unpopular the topic and more.

And we have a problem!

Actually two problems. The tags for the post are selected by the author of the post, and we have the following issues: the author chooses wrong tags for a post, and the post lacks proper tags.

And we think this problem could be solved with AI/ML approach and so we suggest you solve it during the InterSystems IRIS AI Contest.

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Hi, Community!

Are you building generative AI applications? See how a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) architecture can help:

Exploring the Benefits of RAG

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems IRIS from Spark to Finish

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The recording of Anton Umnikov's It's Machine Learning, Not Rocket Science! webinar is now available on learning.intersystems.com.

In it, Anton provides a great, high-level introduction to machine learning and shows why you don't need to be a "unicorn" data scientist to start using machine learning to your advantage!

Watch it now

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Hi Everyone!

Enjoy a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Elements of Sharding

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Hi Community,

This is a detailed, candid walkthrough of the IRIS AI Studio platform. I speak out loud on my thoughts while trying different examples, some of which fail to deliver expected results - which I believe is a need for such a platform to explore different models, configurations and limitations. This will be helpful if you're interested in how to build 'Chat with PDF' or data recommendation systems using IRIS DB and LLM models.

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Hi Community,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

AI and Machine Learning Roundtable

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