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Evgeny Shvarov · Feb 1

Technological Bonuses Results for the InterSystems FHIR and Digital Health Interoperability Contest

11 iris-fhirfy 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 26 HL7-FHIR-Cohort-Population 4 3 7 Patient
Brendan Bannon · Dec 27, 2016

The Art of Mapping Globals to Classes (5 of 3

Bitmap indices are kind of new, it doesn’t mean you would not want to add them to your application that is using Cache SQL Storage. You can add a Bitmap index to any class that has
Nikita Savchenko · Feb 12, 2019

How to Develop InterSystems Applications in Your Favorite IDE

environment (for example, Visual Studio Code), indexed by any version control system and arbitrarily combined with many external tools for code analysis, preprocessing, packaging
Fabio Goncalves · Apr 14, 2016

Bootstrap - load body content dynamically with fixed menu

-elements by id instead of index: var mainView = instance.$documentView; //zen('mainView');if (typeof mainView._IDIndex === "undefined") {mainView._IDIndex = [];}if (instance &
Benjamin De Boe · Mar 25, 2020

New in 2020.1: the Universal Query Cache

with a more efficient access path based on updated table statistics, after a new index was added or after upgrades (see also this note on frozen query plans on upgrade). Embedded SQL
Anastasia Dyubaylo · Oct 7, 2022

Key Questions of the Month: September 2022

?by Mark OReilly Deleting Cleanup SQL Cleanup Index taskby Mark OReilly Code Coverage in Productions?by Fynn Schwiegelshohn Caché Where can I find the The Zen Demoby Andy
Daniel Kutac · Apr 13, 2017

Binding a "regular" Cache object to %DynamicObject and vice versa

existing class instance, it creates a new instance. The adapter works with default generated IDs as well as with custom ones, based on IdKey index definition when defined. Just
Evgeny Shvarov · Sep 3, 2023

Initializing InterSystems IRIS Docker Image with Python

= pd.read_csv(files) # write the dataframe to IRIS df.to_sql(table_name, engine, if_exists='replace', index=False, schema='dc_demo') The code is rather self-explanatory and it has
Renato Banzai · Jul 19, 2020

Using Machine Learning to Organize the Community - 3

, not straight SQL a little bit cross thinking it reminds me of this Thanks, Robert! Yes, this is relevant stuff. I'm not sure
Evgeny Shvarov · Jul 20, 2021

What is the Best Tool to Edit Data in InterSystems IRIS

, only in very specific situations. And keep in mind that, if the global is referring to an SQL table, there is always the risk of corrupting an index. Hi. The team I work in has been
Mack Altman · Nov 1, 2018

What is best approach to parsing CSV string to tab-delimited string

files. Query TSV(pFileName As %String, pFileEncoding As %String = "UTF8") As %Query { } /// Index a header from a CSV file so we can later get every row
Andrew Makinson · Nov 22, 2016

Attaching a document to an email from HL7

\E\fs20\E\b Patient Name: \E\plain\E\f6\E\fs20 {\E\v<%NAME%>}ZZZPORTAL TWO, DO NOT TOUCH{\E\v<%END%>}\E\line\E\plain\E\f6\E\fs20\E\b Date of Birth: \E\plain\E\f6\E\fs20
Nikita Savchenko · May 6, 2016

Installing Caché Applications Using Class Projections

="GET" Call="Index"/></Routes>}ClassMethod Index() As %Status{ write "I am installed!" return $$$OK}}Once the class is created and compiled, we need to register
David Loveluck · Aug 27, 2019

APM – Monitoring SQL Query Performance

, and running "Cleanup SQL Statement Index". But on earlier releases they seemed to be removed more often. At a live site it is reasonable to expect that the statistics
Benjamin De Boe · Apr 3, 2017

Keeping your iKnow domain synchronized

tSC } In the above code, note that pClassName refers to the table containing the data we'll be indexing, and not the current class. We then create a read-only class