· Nov 29, 2023

InterSystems Ideas News #9

Hi Developers!

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Welcome to the 9th edition of the InterSystems Ideas news! In this issue you can learn about:

​​​​✓ New page on the Ideas Portal  - Idea-A-Thon Winners

✓ Implemented ideas for future announcements

✓ New ideas posted recently

 We've added a new page to the Ideas Portal dedicated to the Winners of 1st and 2nd InterSystems Idea-A-Thon Contests.

Check it out to vote and comment on the ideas, if you haven't done so already! 

 Last month we asked what ideas you would like to learn more about

Based on your votes the following ideas were selected:

Examples to work with IRIS from Django
Global->JSON->Global converter
Introduce the project of helpful one-liners

Thus, you may look forward to discovering more info about these projects and underlying ideas. Drop us a line in the comments, if you wish to learn about other ideas and their realization as well!

 To round up this newsletter, here are 41 new ideas posted after the 2nd InterSystems Idea-A-Thon

Stay tuned for the next announcements! In the meantime, post your bright ideas, vote, and comment on existing ideas on our InterSystems Ideas Portal!

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