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Member since Oct 18, 2018

Just to tidy this one up, we eventually were told that the other end was supplying HL7 v2 messages, so the input became a single string with a v2 message in it.

And it's still not finished. We eventually found out the source could actually do soap calls direct, before converting to HL7, so it might even end up as we define a simple class with some properties and they pull in the WSDL to use it. That's development for you.  :-)


After many years of development and support I've become wary of one-line requests. 🤔 I wonder why you need this (Five whys - Wikipedia). For example, if you are trying to debug a mysterious state in a background job then maybe you just need "D LOG^%ETN" to store the variables in the error log. Or, at least you could look in there for ways to use $ORDER and $QUERY  to scan local variables without involving ^SPOOL (or, as we once did, opening a file to ZW to, closing, and then reading it back).

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