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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,957 amazing developers
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· Apr 23
Write Daemon Status


Is there anyway available to get the current status of Write Daemon through code?

Generally, this information is present in Management Portal->System Operation->System Dashboard->System Usage->Write Daemon.

Thanks & Regards,


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Hi Community,

Watch this video to find out how these digital health startups are improving workflows for disease management, remote patient monitoring, and patient engagement:

Digital Health Showcase - Virtual Care @ Global Summit 2023

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We are using the IRIS cloud. and I am working on a DTL .

so the source side timestamp is local time for example 20240110134740, I know it is a local time. so the requirement is I need to append the UTC at the end, like -0400 or -0500 depending on if it is daylight saving time.

so is there function to return if current day is at daylight saving time, so I can decide if I need to append the -400 or -500? or a function to return the current UTC by location?

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The users wants the ability to modify the logic used to populate PID:22 depending on the value of PID: 39. The logic is as follows

If both PID:22 and PID:39.2 are null then set PID:28 to "Unknown"

If PID:22 and PID:39.2 are not null and are the same value, then populate PID:28 with PID:39.2

If PID:22 and PID:39.2 are not null and are different, then set PID:28 = "Undetermined"

Setting this condition in a transform is straight-forward,.

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I came up with a challenge for myself to come up with a way to make a variable watch itself for a certain value and do something when it hits that value without having to check it every time something touches it. Basically, a way to say "if at any point during the execution of this code, if x = 0 (or whatever the condition is) do this thing." The class I ended up with watches a %Status:

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