I found this in the docs:

  • From the server, users can:
    • Run, filter and modify reports.
    • Export to a variety of formats.
    • Schedule reports to be distributed via email or FTP.


And docs on the API:

Hi Rochdi,

You don't need to use %File and then copy it to a file stream. You can just use %Stream.FileCharacter to directly open and read the file:

  Set stream=##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
  Set sc=stream.LinkToFile("c:\myfile.txt")
  While 'stream.AtEnd {
  Set line=stream.Read()
  ; Process the chunk here

And I can confirm that I've also seen %Stream.FileCharacter significantly outperform %File for reads.


I suspect the problem is that you're using a %DynamicObject. BPLs should use persistent/persistable objects because business process execution can in some cases be suspended temporarily and then resumed. Before execution is suspended, context objects are saved into the DB.

%DynamicObjects are not persistent objects, so their values are lost when execution is suspended. You can overcome this by using %ToJSON to serialize the %DynamicObject into a stream property of the context object. Streams are persistable.

The life cycle of a business process requires it to have certain state information saved to disk and restored from disk, whenever the business process suspends or resumes execution. This feature is especially important for long-running business processes, which may take days or weeks to complete.

I've seen Zen reports used extensively for Chinese content, so they can definitely handle the far reaches of the Unicode realm.

What happens if you do this?

write !,"<PostInfo>My GE: "_$c(8805)_"</PostInfo>"

or this?

write !,"<PostInfo>My GE: "_$zcvt($c(8805),"O","UTF8")_"</PostInfo>"

Some other things to check:

It would be great to have a cheat-sheet for all of these keyboard shortcuts and other tricks, especially in terms of "if you used to do X in Studio, here's how to do that in VS Code".

A few months ago I happened across the incantation for the VS Code equivalent of Studio's "Find in Files" (free text search of server-side classes) but forgot the key combination and haven't had the time to try to figure out which docs to check and guess at whether it's a standard feature of VS Code or of the ObjectScript plug-in.


In your ObjectScript code you never base64 decode the key:

set key="pZR8qfrz7t47G+dboyJCH4NnJRrF+dJbvxq37y/cLUo="
Set encrypted=$SYSTEM.Encryption.AESCBCEncrypt($zcvt(text,"O","UTF8"),key,iv)

But you did this in Python:

key = base64.b64decode(keyBase64)
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC)

Adding the additional logging helped. Looking at it now, it looks like it is working as coded:

9413847-9428572 BEGENING OF LOOP FOR: XAL465.1110.A0
9413847-9428572 START RECURSIVE
9421986-9428572 Has Value
9413847-9428572 BEGENING OF LOOP FOR: XAL465.1110.A1

The call for 9413847 is looping through all results of the query. It finds that 9421986 has a composition so it calls itself recursively. The call for 9421986 finds that it already has a value so it returns control to the 9413847 loop which continues iterating.

If you want all super and sub loops to quit as soon as any sub-loop finds "has value" then you will need to check for this condition inside the loop.

It's a bit hard to follow the output. I think things will become clearer if you add "mainArticle" and "article" to every WRITE statement, for example:

W !, $G(mainArticle),"-",$G(article)," Has Value"
W !, $G(mainArticle),"-",$G(article)," BEGENING OF LOOP FOR: "_rs.articleCode
W !, $G(mainArticle),"-",$G(article)," START RECURSIVE"
W !, $G(mainArticle),"-",$G(article)," END OF LOOP"