As you noted, fromDao is in the HS.FHIRModel classes, but in the code you pasted you're actually using a class under HS.FHIR:

Set cls = $CLASSMETHOD("HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.Patient","fromDao",dao)

I think you want to do this instead:

Set cls = $CLASSMETHOD("HS.FHIRModel.R4.Patient","fromDao",dao)

I've seen Zen reports used extensively for Chinese content, so they can definitely handle the far reaches of the Unicode realm.

What happens if you do this?

write !,"<PostInfo>My GE: "_$c(8805)_"</PostInfo>"

or this?

write !,"<PostInfo>My GE: "_$zcvt($c(8805),"O","UTF8")_"</PostInfo>"

Some other things to check:

Hopefully this can save you some work. It uses a much larger chunk size (which is a multiple of 57) and works with or without CR/LFs (set the argument pAddCRLF):

Class Example.B64.Util Extends %RegisteredObject

/// Be cautious if changing CHUNKSIZE. Incorrect values could cause the resulting encoded data to be invalid.
/// It should always be a multiple of 57 and needs to be less than ~2.4MB when MAXSTRING is 3641144
Parameter CHUNKSIZE = 2097144;

ClassMethod B64EncodeStream(pStream As %Stream.Object, pAddCRLF As %Boolean = 0) As %Stream.Object
    set tEncodedStream=##class(%Stream.GlobalCharacter).%New()
    do pStream.Rewind()
    while ('pStream.AtEnd) {
        set tReadLen=..#CHUNKSIZE
        set tChunk=pStream.Read(.tReadLen)
        do tEncodedStream.Write($System.Encryption.Base64Encode(tChunk,'pAddCRLF))
        if (pAddCRLF && 'pStream.AtEnd) {
            do tEncodedStream.Write($c(13,10))
    do tEncodedStream.Rewind()
    quit tEncodedStream


My experience with Zebras was quite a few years ago, so this may or may not still apply... Using Zen reports at the time, the print server would end up rendering the label as a bitmap and sending that over to the Zebra. ZPL code to print an equivalent label was much smaller than a bitmap, so ZPL labels tended to print faster than those rendered by a report.

Ok, so the flow would look roughly like this:

  • The GenericService accepts an inbound REST request, populates a GenericMessage, and sends it to your business process
  • Business process extracts the JSON payload from the GenericMessage, and pulls out any relevant details needed for the call to Athena
  • Business process creates a new GenericMessage, populates any items needed by Athena, uses %SYS.OAuth2 (and the OAuth client profile you created) to request an OAuth token and adds it to the GenericMessage, and passes the new GenericMessage to the business operation.
  • Business operation makes the outbound REST call to Athena, and returns a new GenericMessage containing the response to your business process.
  • Business process extracts JSON payload from the GenericMessage, uses a transformation to create the payload required by your internal REST client.
  • Business process creates a new GenericMessage, populates it with the response payload, and returns it to the GenericService
  • GenericService returns response to REST client