go to post Marc Mundt · May 20, 2022 If you can assume that the zip is always 5 digits and state is 2 digits, and if you can assume that the separator is always 1 character then you can do it by position: set ZIP=$EXTRACT(x,*-4,*), STA=$EXTRACT(x,*-7,*-6), CTY=$EXTRACT(x,0,*-9)
go to post Marc Mundt · May 5, 2022 Try removing the JsonArayOBJ argument from your call to SendFormDataURL. set st = ..Adapter.SendFormDataURL(..Adapter.URL,.callResponsePat,"POST",HTTPRequestPat)
go to post Marc Mundt · May 5, 2022 Can you give some more details on what's happening? Is there an error message?
go to post Marc Mundt · May 5, 2022 Can you clarify a bit? Do you want to use curl to make an HTTP request to a web service running in Ensemble? Or do you want Ensemble to launch curl to make an HTTP request to an external web service?
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 29, 2022 You can put something similar to Jeffrey's logic directly in the Value of the Set action. Instead of using $E ($EXTRACT) you would use DTL's built-in SubString function: ..SubString("123456789",1,3)_"-"_..SubString("123456789",4,5)_"-"_..SubString("123456789",6,9)
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 26, 2022 Since this is a new design you should use persistent classes (SQL tables/objects) instead of writing directly to globals. A Data Transformation can use any persistent class as it's target, so this is also easier than storing directly in globals. https://docs.intersystems.com/irisforhealthlatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI...
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 26, 2022 Is there already a defined structure for these globals/do these globals already exist? Or will you design something new?
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 26, 2022 Can you explain more about your use case? What is the purpose of copying these fields directly into globals? Is there another application that will read the values from the globals?
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 25, 2022 All persistent classes will save their data in globals automatically. It will save using the standard structures of the IRIS SQL layer. If you have an existing global structure that you need to maintain you'll need to map your classes to your global structure. See this series of articles on how to do that.
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 25, 2022 Have a look at this previous thread. And there's a built-in capability in IRIS to see ports in use by different components.
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 22, 2022 I messed up the syntax: &sql(select LIST(MessageName), LIST(Identifier) INTO :tMsgNmList, :tIdentList from GMECC_DocmanConnect_Tables.ParisConnecMessagetSettings)
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 22, 2022 How about this? Do the values returned in tMsgNmList and tIdentList match the values you're searching for? &sql(select LIST(MessageName) INTO :tMsgNmList, LIST(Identifier) INTO :tIdentList from GMECC_DocmanConnect_Tables.ParisConnecMessagetSettings) write SQLCODE, ":", tMsgNmList,":",tIdentList,!
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 21, 2022 If you try this what does it return? &sql(select count(*) INTO :tCount from GMECC_DocmanConnect_Tables.ParisConnecMessagetSettings Where MessageName = :tMessageName and Identifier = :tIdentifier) write SQLCODE, ":", tCount,!
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 13, 2022 And does your target message really need to be an ADT_A01? Merges use ADT_A18 messages, so you can just set ADT_A18 as your target message type and it will allow you to add the MRG segment:
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 13, 2022 Just to add a bit of context to the above:An example use case where you would want to return the operation's response back to the service would be in an HL7 integration where, instead of having the service generate an ACK to return to the upstream sending system, we want to return the ACK or NAK that we got back from the downstream receiving system.
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 13, 2022 What Response From does is control which responses from a call to an operation (or another component) are returned to the business service that called the router. By default the router won't return the response to the service, but setting Response From will enable responses to be returned from specific operations (or * for all operations). This is how you can control which response gets sent back to the service in a case when a router calls multiple operations. If multiple responses match the Response From setting, then only the first response will be returned to the service. Response Target Config Names allows you to specify additional components (beyond the service that called the router) that should receive a copy of the response that came back from the operation. So you could send a copy of an ACK or other response to another operation for some reason. All of this is probably moot, because I'm guessing your service doesn't need to receive a response. In terms of the NULL responses, these shouldn't become orphans -- the fact that they appear in the message trace tells us that the production knows which session they belong to so they should get deleted along with the rest of the session.
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 12, 2022 Absolutely. You can do this with two assign actions: First assign action moves the stream pointer to the end of the stream content: The second assign action writes our new content to the end of the stream: And an extra note of explanation: what we're actually doing with these assigns is calling a method in the request class, which returns a status code, and assigning that status code to a temporary variable. It would be best to check this status code to see if there was an error, but I haven't added that here to keep things simple.
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 11, 2022 The PassthroughService will place the file contents in a stream, insert that stream into an Ens.StreamContainer object and send that to the Business Process. So Ens.StreamContainer, and the stream that it contains, is what your Business Process code will need to work with. See this page for information on working with streams. Streams are different than simple strings and require using stream-specific methods for reading and writing content into the stream. Unless you have a specific reason to write your business process in ObjectScript, I would recommend that you create a BPL-based business process using the visual BPL editor. There are more details here on creating business processes.
go to post Marc Mundt · Apr 11, 2022 A few questions that will help us to understand better:- Which business service are you using? Is it custom or out-of-the-box?- If the service is custom, what type of object is it sending to the Business Process?- What type of Business Process are you using? Is it BPL, ObjectScript, or a router using routing rules?