
it looks like you are on AWS and you selected an AMI, most probably the default one, that offers AWS Linux distribution. It is a downstream of Fedora. We don't support it officially so pick and AMI with Ubuntu and Red hat.

wrt context: you'll find that in general the cloud runs on Linux. You'll get used to automate procedures with scripts and a plethora of tools that are available in the industry like bash, Terraform, Ansible or any tool of your liking.


Hi Jignesh,

What is your context? Are you working with Kubernets?

I think the answer is it depends. While nginx can do reverse proxy it might not be on a par with Traefik and all its management layer within a K8s context. 

nginx example FYI & FWIW

server {
        listen 8080;
        location / { deny all; }
        location /csp/sys/ { proxy_pass http://iris:52773; }
        location /api/monitor/ { proxy_pass http://iris:52773; }
        proxy_hide_header WWW-Authenticate;

Indeed eBPF is powerful and Tetragon looks a great solution to secure or manage the security of your K8s cluster like Sysdig Falco and similar. Great work Ron! And thanks for sharing your work! Love it!

Q: When I used Sysdig in the past it was amazing, however, not very light on system resources. Were you able to quantify the effect of Tetragon on a node? Thanks