Question Yuri Marx · Apr 12, 2021 IRIS as AWS Managed Service? Hi Community, I see the announcement But I didn't find in the AWS marketplace. Do you know where find this option? #AWS #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 183
Question Yuri Marx · Apr 12, 2021 %JSONExport - ID export Hi Community, How Can I do to return ID when I call %JSONExport()? #JSON #REST API #InterSystems IRIS 0 8 0 328
Question Yuri Marx · Mar 17, 2021 SQL sentence to test connection It is common to test a connection sending a general SQL instruction to the database, in Oracle we send select 1 from dual, for example, and in IRIS what the best option? #SQL #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 247
Question Yuri Marx · Feb 1, 2021 Last version Hibernate Driver to download The InterSystems documentation says: "If you do not already have these files, contact the InterSystems Worldwide Response Center (WRC) for download information." #Java #InterSystems IRIS 2 2 0 387
Question Yuri Marx · Jan 29, 2021 Is it possible do apt-get install using ZPM? ZPM is a fantastic package management product. I have 7 apps published and these apps not using zpm because it need install external products using apt-get install. Is it possible do apt-get install using ZPM? #InterSystems Package Manager (IPM) #InterSystems IRIS 2 4 0 190
Question Yuri Marx · Jan 28, 2021 JDBC driver and Hibernate dialect on public java repository Any news about JDBC driver and Hibernate dialect on a public java repository, like mvnrepository? Today I need to download the jdbc driver and hibernate jar, add as an external resource on my maven config file to works. #Java #JDBC #InterSystems IRIS 3 5 0 450
Question Yuri Marx · Jan 12, 2021 How Can I get a list fo the classes from a package and each item XData content? Hi community, How Can I get a list fo the classes from a package and for each item of the list the XData content? #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS 1 3 0 309
Question Yuri Marx · Dec 8, 2020 SQL Query execution plan Is it possible see the execution plan of a SQL sentence in IRIS? Like this: explain plan for select e.ename,r.rname from employees e join roles r on ( = e.role_id) join departments d on ( = e.dept_id) where e.staffno <= 10 and d.dname in ('Department Name 1','Department Name 2'); That returns this: #SQL #InterSystems IRIS 1 3 1 407
Question Yuri Marx · Dec 8, 2020 How to convert from XML to JSON? Is IRIS DTL, Adapter, Production or ObjectScript class have a function to transform an arbitrary XML to JSON? #DTL #InterSystems IRIS 2 6 1 1.9K
Question Yuri Marx · Dec 7, 2020 Guide to configure IRIS for production environment Hi, Do you have a guide or tutorial with recommendations to configure IRIS to a production environment? The better strategies, recommended disk, memory and processing settings, etc? #Deployment #InterSystems IRIS 2 5 2 526
Question Yuri Marx · Dec 6, 2020 Is IRIS has an option to replace the qualified name into sql by a synonym? In Oracle database, the synonym is an alternative name for objects such as tables, views, sequences, stored procedures, and other database objects. You generally use synonyms when you are granting access to an object from another schema and you don't want the users to have to worry about knowing which schema owns the object. Is IRIS SQL sintax has something like this: (oracle sintax) #SQL #InterSystems IRIS 1 1 0 198
Question Yuri Marx · Dec 5, 2020 Is it possible do multithreading tasks and manage it using ObjectScript? Languages like Java and C++ allows to develop a multi-threaded program with two or more parts that can run concurrently and each part can handle a different task at the same time making optimal use of the available resources specially when your computer has multiple CPUs. Is it possible In ObjectScript? If yes, Where I can get a good sample or application? #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS 1 5 0 781
Question Yuri Marx · Dec 1, 2020 IRIS supports imap? Is IRIS supports imap to integrate with email server? #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS 1 2 0 265
Question Yuri Marx · Nov 30, 2020 What's the better strategy to persist Geo data? I have an application with maps that render and edit geographic data in a some layers using KML - geo data represented into XML file with layers, polygnons, points and metadata associated with it. Some maps are in GeoJSON too. Is it DocDB the better option? #Databases #Data Model #Document Data Model (NoSQL) #InterSystems IRIS 2 7 2 250
Question Yuri Marx · Nov 24, 2020 Generate HTML source code documentation Hi community! Is it possible generate HTML documentation to my project ObjectScript classes (.cls)? In Java we use Javadoc to do it. Javadoc get class comments and java metadata information and when I execute javadoc -d doc src\*, I get whole html documentation to my classes. Has IRIS something like javadoc? Is it documatic? If yes, how can I use it? #Coding Guidelines #InterSystems IRIS 1 12 2 664
Question Yuri Marx · Nov 10, 2020 Do you have tips for IRIS certification? Hi community? Do you have tips for IRIS certification? Resources to study, types of questions more common, anything to help me in my study path. Thanks. #Certification #InterSystems IRIS 2 6 2 504
Question Yuri Marx · Nov 3, 2020 Save multipart file upload to a Ens.BusinessService I created a Custom Business Service to receive a multipart message with a file and I need to save only the file, not all message. How Can I extract only the file from the pInput to save in a File? This is my code: #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS 1 3 2 250
Question Yuri Marx · Nov 2, 2020 Html Form Upload and EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter sample How Can I do to receive and read an uploaded file from a HTML form or REST API formdata into a Custom EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter? #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS 1 10 2 349
Question Yuri Marx · Nov 1, 2020 Where is PEX jar file can be found? PEX Java classes are not in the maven public repository, so I need to download pex jar file. Where is PEX jar file can be found to download? #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS 1 9 2 306
Question Yuri Marx · Oct 4, 2020 Why not update jdbc driver to mvnrepository The current jdbc driver version is 3.1.0, but it is not published in the public mvn repository, only the old version, see: It is very bad to the Java Community. And why not publish IRIS Hibernate dialect in mvn repository too? These actions are important to Java Developers. #Java #JDBC #InterSystems IRIS 6 11 2 1.2K