Question Lucas Bourré · Jul 16, 2020 create a PDF from the DeepSee UserPortal using a headless browser Hello Community, I hope you're going well. I am programming a daily reporting that will send by e-mail when people will add a dashboard as favorite by clicking on the star : I asked Intersystems WRC on how to automatically generate a report with some line coding, but I heard there is no way to do this without a headless Browser. #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 4 0 271
Question Lucas Bourré · Jun 17, 2020 PDF Display from DeepSee UserPortal doesn't work Hello Community, I hope you are well.I encounter a problem on IRIS for Unix 2020.1 when I try to create a PDF from a simple Dashboard on Deepsee : When I click on this widget , a tab appear and is loading for ~30 seconds, then shows 'error loading the PDF File ' : #Analytics #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 9 0 310
Question Lucas Bourré · Jan 30, 2020 Exporting security settings into a stream Hello, I am working on Ensemble 2017.2.1 .I need to export my security settings into an extern database, in order to make a report. I've created a Business Operation with an SQL Adapter into a Namespace, but I don't know how to get every security data from "%SYS" Namespace ( SQLPrivileges , Resources , Roles , Services , Users ... ). I dont't want to use the terminal and the ^SECURITY routine, because i don't want to store a XML file on the server. #Business Operation #ObjectScript #Security #Ensemble 0 2 0 302
Question Lucas Bourré · Dec 19, 2019 Catch Adapter error in a Try/Catch Hello, I would like to catch an Adapter error in a try/catch. I have a problem with SMTP and SFTP adapter when the connection failed after 15 seconds. Here is an example of my code for the SFTP adapter: #Ensemble 0 5 0 432
Question Lucas Bourré · Jun 20, 2018 Showing all links on the production of the management Portal ? Hello Community :) I am currently creating some documentation for my team. I need to show every connections between my business process, business services, and operations . All I can have is only one link like this screenshot : #Ensemble #Management Portal 1 4 0 284
Question Lucas Bourré · Aug 8, 2017 Update an Item Setting Value in studio ? Hello everyone . I am trying to update a setting of an operation directly via the code of a business operation.Concretely, my customer want a counter for the number of calls to the operation and the possibility to redefine the point of this counter. #Beginner #Ensemble #Business Operation #ObjectScript 1 6 0 626