Hello Evgeny,
We tried to use the schedule part of DSW , which use a headless browser ( PhantomJS ).
I am doing the same job with my custom operation, but instead of printing the DeepSeeWeb page , I am printing a "delegated application" on Intersystems .
The problem should be arround the ZAUTHENTICATE.mac routine. Maybe the delegated application doesn't work for this sort of use, i should use a non authenticate application ? 
I'm going to give it a try

Hello Evgeny, 
I still have some problem with DSW export but this is not related to this problem.

I have some error with the ##class(%Net.Remote.Utility).RunCommandViaZF()  command from the ReportGenerator, this one use the following line : 
Set pRetCode = $ZF(-100,cmdFlags,pCmd,.pCmdArgs)

This line returns a <NOTOPEN> Error.
A temporary file is created, but empty.

The $system.OS.ProcessError() returned  <2> No such file or directory.

I tried to manually create the file and launch in the Terminal the following command, but it didn't work : $ZF(-100,"/STDOUT=""/tmp/fichier.txt""/STDERR=""/tmp/fichier.txt""","echo toto")  

I'm still investigating the problem, I keep you informed !

I fixed the problem with the support.
The XSL file was containing 'svg:link' because it was generated from my browser, which contain a 'Dark Mode' plug-in .
Then the FOP was unable to convert the SVG into a PDF, because the SVG il build from the HTML content of my browser.

After disabling the Dark Mode Plug-in , my PDF is now printing properly.
Best regards,

Lucas Bourré

Hello Eduard,

I'm sorry i guess i didn't explain well my problem.
The PutStream method is in EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdapter , not in Email.OutboundAdapter  .
I was looking for a property, or a parameter that is available on outbound adapters to avoid "error failure timeout"  .
For example, if I try to send a mail in the Email Adapter via the method "SendMail" , without puting any SMTP Server, I will have an "error failure timeout" because the SMTP Server is not found.
I have the same problem in the FTP Adapter via the method "PutStream" 

Best regards

Hi Krishna,

I think you should take a look at this part : Configuring a REST Service to Use CORS

This request is executed by the CSPSystem user.
This user should have READ permission on any databases used by the REST service; if not, the service will respond with an HTTP 404 error.

Did you give the good permission to the CSPSystem user ?

Best Regards,

Hello Guilherme, 

I just want to be able to see all connections  on the portal management, by clicking on all items of the production.
For example, on the screen on the top of the post,  I want to see the connection of Demo.Loan.BankMetrics , Demo.Loan.FindRateCSPService, Demo.Loan.FindRateEmailService ... (all of the services) . But all I can do is getting the link of one service by one :/